‘Camp of The Saints’ Seen Mirrored In Pope’s Message

Prophecy fulfilled? Here you have one of the most frighteningly accurate articles you may ever read with regard to the ongoing incursion into Europe of unstable, Middle Eastern, violence prone military aged men…and the traitors who love them.

by Julia Hahn

Pope Francis is urging America to throw open her borders to thousands of impoverished migrants, in part to atone for the “sins” of the colonial era.

“We must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible,” he declared before a joint session of Congress. “Thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones, in search of greater opportunities…We must not be taken aback by their numbers.”

The call was not entirely unexpected.

“America Atone,” read The Drudge Report’s banner story upon the Pope’s arrival to the White House a day before his historic Congressional address.

The headline linked to a Bloomberg piece entitled, “Obama to Bask In Pope’s Aura, But Francis Wants Economic Justice.” The article predicted the Pope would aim to “exploit” his “moral authority” to “pressure his host” nation on issues including mass immigration and wealth redistribution.

Indeed, as the Pope addressed the nation today it is clear that the immigration issue has hit a boiling point. Headlines blare:

European Migrant Crisis: Austria, Germany Near Tipping Point…
As Europe Grasps For Answers, More Migrants Flood Its Border…
Pope Francis Urges Congress To Embrace Migrants…
Western and UN Aid Falling Far Short…
Five More Fleets On The Way, From Africa, India and Asia…
Refugee Fleet Is Headed For Europe, For France…

The last three headlines, however, are ripped not from today’s papers, but from the pages of a controversial 1973 French novel by Jean Raspail, which many say has predicted with shocking accuracy the events unfolding today.

