Europe: Tens of Thousands Take to the Streets to Protest the Islamic Invasion (Videos)

People are starting to finally realize it is the elites who brought turmoil and destruction to the Middle East. It is the same elitists who now betray their own people by allowing millions of displaced scum into Europe caused by their turmoil and destruction. We must never, ever forget that.

While government officials, mass media outlets, and idiotic bleeding heart liberals are welcoming the Islamic “refugees” (mainly anonymous men of fighting age), there are tens of thousands of angry Europeans who are letting their voices be heard. They will not let their people go down without a fight. Hopefully hundreds of thousands more will soon be joining them.

Here’s just a short rundown of some recent activism.

Over 10,000 supporters of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans against Western Islamization), marched through the group’s place of origin, Dresden, decrying Islamism in Europe and the mass immigration of Muslim migrants into Germany.

Video 1Tens of thousands protested at anti immigration rally held by Lega Nord in Milan, Italy.

[Note: Russia Today is an anti-White cultural Marxist outlet.]

Video 2

Nationalists gathered in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, to protest the Islamic invasion of Hungary and Europe.

Video 3

There is also action happening in non-European countries that have been built and inhabited by Europeans. The United Patriots Front is a nation wide movement in Australia, opposing the spread of Left Wing treason and the spread of Islam.

Video 4

In their arrogance, they have again failed to see that they are driving whites to see themselves as a distinct racial group. The evidence is in the elections in Europe that keep sliding to the right, and in the rise in the numbers of people who are aware of who created the immigration mess throughout the West and the awareness of who controls the media that is used to ceaselessly attack whites. They are basically repeating their behavior from the days of Weimar Germany on a larger scale, with whites beginning to act as they did when “waking up” and removing these interlopers from power so they could again go about their lives normally, without an unhinged global elite dictating how they should feel and how they should live.
