Entropy, the Life Force and Gay Marriage

by John Young

The concept of entropy, though seen as the province of academic pointy heads, is easy to understand and observe.

Everything tends to move from a state of higher organization to lower organization, from higher heat to lower heat, from differentiation to homogenization.

Whatever it is that inspires Life … it runs contrary to entropy. In fact, entropy itself pretty much guarantees life could never evolve beyond a single amino acid. That life manages to exist in the face of entropy … is a Mystery. And as it exists, Life is an iterative process of differentiation and increasing organization, requiring energy to support it.

In a lot of ways, our struggle can be seen through this lens. In fact, there are many struggles that are simply offshoots of this fundamental struggle. High investment parenting versus low investment parenting, meritocracy versus equalism, racial separation versus interbreeding, and the male-female two parent committed monogamous relationship versus gay marriage.

Every battle we have faced and will continue to face is really a battle against forces of entropy and chaos that was allegorically described in the battles of the Northern deities against giants.

So here we are. To be “pro Life” in the widest sense does not really speak to the crass industry of removing babies from the wombs of women who, by definition, have proven themselves unfit to reproduce. Rather, it speaks to continued positive evolution, nobility, purpose and achievement. The very word “degenerate,’ in its origin, describes exactly what is achieved by racial admixture, gay marriage, and the entire so-called liberal agenda.
You can see entropy in action every day. A hot cup of coffee left on the table eventually assumes the temperature of the table and surrounding air. A candy bar dropped outside soon becomes part of the homogenized humus.

To counter entropy, energy, hard work, self-discipline, responsibility and sacrifice are required.

The young man who learns to weld comprehensively instead of spending his time playing video games becomes a creative force enabling others who create. A young man who gives up drunken nights at fraternity parties to study a hard major like engineering contributes far more to our advancement than the kid who drinks and sexes his way through school to get a degree in psychology. And those who ignore the heat of their loins in order to build stable lifelong marriages and invest time and love in their offspring advance our society far more than those who collect welfare and can only guess who fathered their offspring.

It is no coincidence that the forces that support gay marriage also support participation trophies and decry the proper elevation of merit. It is no coincidence that the forces that support unilateral no-fault divorce, the welfare state, unlimited immigration from the third world and the idea that every child is of equal ability … also support gay marriage.

As a matter of numbers, gay marriage is a non-issue. According to the CDC under the Obama administration, 2.4% of Americans self-identify as gay. And the majority of them have no desire to marry in any meaningful sense. The average gay man racks up 20,000 sex partners in a lifetime, and when gay men marry they cut down to only 8 sex partners a year. The very concept is a joke, and the number of people actually directly affected is minuscule. For our ruling oligarchy, it simply served as an issue to emphasize pretend differences so people could continue to think they have a choice. The only practical thing gay marriage accomplishes is allowing gay couples to cover each other under health insurance for HIV treatment.

So why has it been made such a big deal?

Because it is a part of the entropic drive of the forces of social degeneracy.

Think for a moment about compost. It might start with some seaweed, leaves from the lawn, grass clippings, egg shells, sawdust and kitchen scraps. But when compost is finished, it is a homogeneous mass and you can’t tell one thing from another. It is in a lower state of energy, a lower state of organization. Higher entropy. It is what remains when all of its original ingredients have degenerated. Rotted. When all of its original, separate and easily differentiated ingredients have been reduced to a homogenized fully equal mass that is useless for any purpose except as fertilizer from which differentiated elements of higher organization and lesser entropy can be grown.

Think now about the steps through which traditional marriage has degenerated.

Before technology enabled promiscuity, most people married as virgins. Now, many marry in their 30’s (if they marry at all) having had dozens if not hundreds of sex partners, and bringing HPV, herpes and other legacies including illegitimate children into their marriages. At one time, it would have been unthinkable to bring a non-virgin into the marital bed. There was a very large distinction between virgins and non-virgins, much less people bringing bastards into their marriage. But now these are seen as pretty much the same … homogenized … less organized … equal.

Before unilateral no-fault divorce, most marriages literally lasted for life. So although there were exceptions, most people lived and died in a state of true biological monogamy, having had sex with only one person in their lives. That is a very high state of organization. But now, divorce is incentived in dozens of ways leading to a condition where most marriages end in divorce. You can even overhear some socialites in NYC talking of so-called “starter” marriages – as though a husband were a commodity fashion accessory.

Given child support and alimony laws, a domestic violence system that disregard the half of DV victims who are male and more … it has become nearly as easy to divest oneself of a husband as it is to get rid of an annoying boyfriend in order to upgrade to a better model. With divorce so easily obtained, the distinction between “husband” and “boyfriend” has literally been reduced to little more than paperwork. In fact, girlfriends and boyfriends often have the exact same expectations of each other as husbands and wives – some concept of fidelity, mutual support, etc. In practice, there is literally no distinction except for government paperwork between married and non-married. Less distinction, less organization … more homogeneity, more … equal. More entropy.

Now look at gay marriage. A clear distinguishing feature of marriage – if marriage in any meaningful form can even be said to exist given the above – is that it includes one man and one woman. In fact, it is pretty much the only remaining distinguishing feature that makes it different from sex with random persons in the dark.

Most gay people will never marry and have no desire to marry except to gain certain minor legal matter pertaining to end-of-life care or for insurance coverage. It has absolutely nothing to do with gay people.

What it is really about is removing one of the two remaining distinctions that make human marriage different from a bunch of random copulations of horny monkeys: the distinction of it requiring a male and a female. The other remaining distinction is that only two people can be involved – and that will be the next target.

It’s all about entropy. Lower energy, lower differentiation, lower organization. It is a surrender of a highly organized social system turning the mass of Western humanity into compost.

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who benefit from entropic degeneracy and those who benefit from hard work, self sacrifice, high investment parenting and long-range planning. Gay marriage is all about serving the former at the expense of the latter. It is a form of genetic warfare under guise of legislation.

It has nothing to do with gays, and everything to do with a visceral hatred that the underman has, and cannot even coherently state … a hatred for what is GOOD. It is easier to tear down the good than become the good.

Never doubt it. We are embodying the very force of Life that runs contrary to entropy.
