Oprah Winfrey Got Her Wish: 68 Year Old White Man Murdered By Feral Pack of Diversitys

Obviously he was a member of that generation of white people Oprah Winfrey believes must die before we are able to live under a brilliant rainbow with unicorns and multicultural ecstasy.

A proud member of the Moultrie (GA)community.




A victim of a “home invasion gone wrong.”

Oprah Winfrey would be proud, as he was obviously a member of that generation of white people she believes must die before a more perfect union can be created; Barack Obama would be proud, because his administration’s belief that those citizens collecting social security shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun (to protect themselves from ‘home invasions gone wrong’) has, in this story, shown its true objective.

John Hester was a 68-year-old white male, who lived in Moultrie, Georgia, and his white privilege finally ran out. [7 teens arrested in connection with slaying, The Moultrie Observer, July 16, 2015]:

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