White People Will Be a Minority in Just 30 Years

The real tragedy of the European people has been and continues to be the deterioration of their spiritual core, which is inevitably tied to their identity. They have been desensitized to things of the spirit thanks to the loudest voices in the media, universities — and their politicians. How else can we explain this unholy zeal to mate with and worship non-whites, this deification of the Mau Mau? This debased evil of apathy and “tolerance” must be opposed by European men and women with unlimited and frightening ferocity.

Currently, the majority of the US population is classified as non-Hispanic whites. All other ethnic groups – blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, Orientals and others – are all classified as minorities. As minorities, they are subject to special protection and even job preference in some industries. There are tons of laws that make it illegal to discriminate in any way shape or form against any minority person.

However, if non-Hispanic whites became a minority, would they get the same protection and benefits?

That question may soon be answered. According to a recent report:

“The nation’s demographics are on a clear trajectory: White people are dying faster than they are being born, which means they are on target to become a minority in the United States in 30 years.” “For the third year in a row, deaths of non-Hispanic whites outnumbered births, according to detailed population estimates for states and counties released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.” “‘This is without historical precedent,’ said Kenneth Johnson, the senior demographer at the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy. ‘The minority population is growing, and the non-Hispanic white population is not.’” “Whites currently account for 62 percent of the population but 78 percent of deaths, according to Johnson’s analysis.”

“Their median age — half are older and half younger — has hit an all-time high of 43, said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution. For the first time, whites are in the minority among children under the age of 5.”

“Since 2010, the overall under age 20 population is declining, while working ages and especially seniors are growing,’ Frey said.”

“White populations under 20 declined in 46 states — in all but Hawaii, Utah, South Dakota, North Dakota and the District of Columbia.” “Non-Hispanic whites were the only group with a higher death rate than birthrate.

As a result, their numbers grew the slowest: up 0.5 percent from 2013 to 2014, compared with 2.1 percent for Hispanics, 1.3 percent for black people, 3.2 percent for Asians, 1.4 percent for American Indians and Alaska Natives, and 2.3 percent for native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.”

The last I heard, non-Hispanic whites are already a minority in the southern half of California with Hispanics being the new majority.

It seems that everything in America is drastically changing from what it has been for the past 238 years. As you prepare to celebrate our nation’s 239th birthday this July 4, take a moment to reflect on all of the changes happening today and ask yourself where do you believe America is heading?
