Michelle Obama Wants Blacks to Know What White People Do to “Folks Like You and Me”

The segregationists were right. A nation that allows this climate of political correctness to continue is a dead nation. This is the end result of anti-White, anti-West media and education social engineering. Those who are awakened to this existential threat MUST educate others now, for the day draws nigh when talking and demonstrating will no longer be an option.

First Lady Michelle Obama took some time Saturday while speaking at a historically black university in Alabama to once again play the race card.

“The road ahead is not going to be easy for folks like you and me,” she told the students of Tuskegee University, “because while we’ve come so far, the truth is that those age-old problems are stubborn, and they haven’t fully gone away.”

The “age-old problems” she meant were of course racism and discrimination, which she fervently believes white people en masse continue to perpetuate.

She even made the absurd claim that she and her husband, President Barack Obama, themselves constantly suffer from discrimination. She pointed to the way white Americans question their “intelligence,” their “honesty” and their “love of this country.”

She of course forgot to take into consideration that her husband constantly lies to the American people. Remember that it was he who once said, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” That promise turned out to be a lie.

Furthermore, Michelle Obama herself once revealed that she hadn’t ever been proud of her country until her husband ran for president.

It seems very obvious why many Americans, both white and black, distrust the Obamas, but Michelle only sees racism in any criticism of either herself or her husband.

The first lady also used her time at Tuskegee University to promulgate the lie that the police unfairly target black people. I guess the fact that “whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police” just flew right over her head.

According to BizPac Review, Michelle ended her race-baiting speech by claiming that “no matter how far you rise in life, how hard you work to be a good person, a good parent, a good citizen — for some folks, it will never be good enough.”

The premise is that the widespread racism and discrimination black people purportedly face from white people will always hold them down and prevent them from achieving ultimate success.

However, this alleged discrimination clearly did not prevent Barack Obama from becoming president and Michelle Obama from becoming first lady.

Unfortunately, real facts and the actual truth mean absolutely nothing to people like Michelle Obama, who see everything through the jaded lens of racial politics.

Source with links, here….
