White People Have Been Banned From an ‘anti-Racism’ Event at a British University

This is actually a good thing and we hope it spreads. Even the weepy-eyed Social Justice Warriors will be forced to see that they too are despised, in spite of their pathological support for their mystery meat brethren. Moreover, events like this will help dissipate the fantasy that Whites are ‘equal’ to those who are for the most part ungrateful, shallow, disingenuous parasites. It will help further establish the lines of demarcation, leading up to the inevitable bloody showdown they are pushing for, the one we will most certainly emerge from victorious.

Bahar Mustafa, the Welfare and Diversity officer for Goldsmiths Students’ Union, must have a strong sense of irony. You’d have to, to run an ‘anti-racism’ event which states that ‘if you’re a man and/or white PLEASE DON’T COME. As the student publication the Tab reports, the event claims to be ‘challenging the white-centric culture of occupations’, ‘diversifying our curriculum’ and building a ‘cross campus campaign that puts liberation at the heart of the movement’.


Back in February, Mustafa, who describes herself on Twitter as a ‘queer, anti-racist feminist killjoy’, came to my attention when she helped organise a ‘BME ONLY social’ before a screening of the film Dear White People. For those not acquainted with the lingo, this means for Black and Minority Ethnic only.


And now this, essentially the proposition of racial segregation in a British university. And yes, it’s trussed up in the language of the new PC – ‘non-binary’, ‘safe-space’, ‘BME Women’, ‘OUR liberation’ – but there are no two ways about this: this is division along racial lines, and it is astonishing that this is deemed acceptable. It wouldn’t be tolerated anywhere else in Britain – so why on earth is it being tolerated at a British university?

(She’s kidding about that last question, right? — Ed.)
