Looking Back: The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Be it known: White people have a right to racial life, a right to live, a right to exist as what they are and preserve what they are, a right to exist as a separate form of life, and a right to the conditions they require for continued life, existence and evolution. White people have a right to independence and peaceful self-determination, to racial freedom and liberty, to separate development, to exclusive control of their own life and existence, their own future and destiny, free from domination, control or interference by other races AND their government.

by D. Venter

The big winners by far turned out to be none other than the Cultural Marxists – indeed the Kennedy Assassination and the Johnson Presidency can today with 20/20 hindsight very clearly be seen for what it was – a Cultural Marxist coup in the USA. Kennedy had hardly been laid to rest before Johnson forced through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which ‘banned discrimination based on “race, color, religion or national origin in employment practices and public accommodations.” This bill authorized the Attorney General to file lawsuits to enforce the new law. The law also nullified state and local laws that required such discrimination. It basically turned the USA on its head. (That was a time before discrimination became another of the Cultural Marxist shock words and when it still only meant: to make a distinction.)

This law did not so much give new rights to blacks, as take away rights from the white community – most notably the right to resist the Cultural Marxist agenda, the right to freedom of association, and the consequential right to an own cultural identity and space, the right to freedom of speech, the right to cultural freedom by being able to decide what the character of your school, church, social club, community etc should be. This was a stunning reversal because for the first time in history a ruling class in this manner forced to destroy their own cultural base – most notably their schools, universities etc.

NOTE: More accurately, this ‘ruling class,’ through the media and universities, convinced the White majority to follow their lead.

It was at this stage that Cultural Marxists really showed their fascist face – how strange that it would be the people who very much like to walk around thumping their chests about how ‘liberal’ they are – who would be responsible for the biggest assault on the civil rights of the white population in history, and in true fascist style they would use brute military power to force all whites to comply with their new laws, especially school integration. As if this was not bad enough they implemented an even more fascist policy called bussing – which literally forced white children to attend black schools against their and their parent’s wishes – one of the most stunning forms of social engineering in history.

The second step was the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which lay the groundwork for the eventual destruction of the white race at the ballot box by making sure that all the newcomers would be able to vote – without ever having to produce any identification whatsoever.

Their coup de grace would however come in the form of the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965 the purpose of which was to prevent whites from continuing to strengthen their racial group through white immigration as they had done in the past, thereby maintaining the character of the USA as primarily a white country, by forcing them to open immigration up to non whites – this would become one of the main pillars of a worldwide conspiracy to destroy the white race and white Western Societies everywhere in the world.

What that would mean for securing an international influx of non-whites into the USA the Fair Housing Act of 1968 would mean for ensuring the internal influx of non-whites into white areas. As a consequence of this 260 million whites in America would lose their positive right to exist as a legitimate separate self defining white community, with the right to remain white, to send their kids to white schools and to live in white neighborhoods of their choice. As a direct consequence of this act a new term would soon be coined called ‘white flight’, due to the fact that whites had now legally been stripped of their inalienable right to exist as a self defining racial community by these fascist laws, thereby also losing the right to legally defend their communities, property and community rights against wilful non-white encroachment – which all of a sudden had now become illegal, thanks to the ensuing legal victorys.

Anyone who would, in the future, wish to remain white and live in a white community or even expressed such a desire would henceforth not only be viciously socially named and shamed by the poisoned media for this ‘outrage’ but would be criminalised by the state at the behest of the Cultural Marxists for what they now declared to be a ‘crime’. Consequently the only future course of action open to these whites would be to flee once their neighborhoods passed a certain threshold and crossed the tipping point of alienation. With this the strangest thing happened – the single largest white community in the world suddenly found itself at the sharp end of the law for simply wishing to exist as a self-defining community – their mere existence became a criminal act and therefore they quite literally had to flee instead of standing their ground. If this could happen to the largest and most powerful white community in the world – what hope would the rest have?

NOTE: Stand together, with your own kin. Never look upon the face of a fellow European American, and be ashamed of yourself for the connection which you instinctually feel, that implicit spirit of knowing ‘who we are.’ In spite of the shortcomings we may sometimes endure amongst ourselves we are eternally bound by blood, and by the struggles of millions of our ancestors whom fought and died for our existence. We will persevere, and we will live on. Be proud, European American, for you are the master of the Earth, and you kneel to no other.
