What’s Wrong With Pro-Whites? What Needs To Change?

It must be pointed out that our People are not being destroyed by apathy, but by the decay of our collective racial spiritual “seed.” Mongrelization for example is just one symptom of the effects of this spiritual rot. This spiritual decline seems to be a hidden ingredient which we will seem to never overcome–unless and until those with a higher purpose gain control of politics, the media and universities. It CAN be done and it must.–Ed.

by H. G.

What’s wrong with the pro-White movement? There are so many disparate elements, all competing with each other, that it’s hard to create unity, even though our purposes and goals may likely be similar.

We’ve got skinheads, uniformed neo-nazis, intellectuals who cannot be understood, and no effective politicians to promote our messages. We have no effective strategy, long term plan or a play-book of tactics. We know who controls the major elements of US government, media and entertainment, among other things. Yet if we speak the names of The Chosen, then we are banned or censored, and our message doesn’t get out.

Why do we remain on the fringes of society? First of all, if you want to be respected, you have to behave and dress in a respectable manner. Shaved heads, WWII uniforms, multiple tattoos and piercings, and Doc Martens boots with the wrong color laces will not gain respect. Criminal conduct will not gain respect. Outrageous, constant hatred will not gain respect. We need to mainstream ourselves,identifying “specific issues that, when addressed, will have an enormous aggregated positive impact on the attainment of our objectives” — and not look like some outlaw motorcycle gang, or fugitives from a punk-rock band.

There is little to no effective participation of women in the movement. This is ironic, considering white women are under a lot of pressure to perform as if they were brood mares, making more white babies for the cause, and lots of outrage is expressed by male activists over white women being violated and beaten by other races. There is strength in numbers, but those numbers have to be healthy, secure, competent and effective human beings. If we were fortunate enough to live in a society where every child was a wanted and loved child, we would have a lot fewer problems. Any movement which does not accept women as equal partners will not succeed. We are not living in a time and place where women will meekly submit to men just because they are men. Women need to be treasured and protected, but they also need freedom to live their lives the way they want; to have the opportunity to fulfill their greatest potential.

We need to learn what tactics have worked in the past for other ethnic and racial groups and emulate them. The Left in America has developed very good tactics for getting what they want politically and economically and we can learn a lot from them. We won’t adopt the beliefs of the Left, but we can use their most effective tactics. We need to unify and develop solidarity with all racially-aware whites and we need to stick together as a group. (This includes even those members of whom we are not especially proud.) We are all in this together, and if civil unrest comes to America because of a bad economy, a natural disaster, or a freak event, our skin color will be our uniform, whether we like it or not. Other races know this, and accept it. They don’t worry about being called “racist.”

We need to practice offensive tactics, rather than always being on the defensive, depending upon what a media outlet has said. We need to stay on our message and not deviate from it, and not degenerate into media-induced narcissism. The message is not about any of us as individuals; it is about us as a group. As long as we are being defensive, we are allowing the opposition to run their game, as they choose. This is the way of defeat.

We need to create a peaceful physical space for white people somewhere in America, whether it be a town or a whole state. We must populate it and show that we can lead by example, and we can indeed be “a credit to our race.” It might be to our advantage to do this by stealth rather than by advertising it until it is a fait accompli. It will take money to do this. Every organization which is dedicated to this end must have open books to all its contributors; leaders and the decisions they make about allocating our resources must be full of integrity and wisdom; their actions must be beyond reproach.

We need to set up lobbying and propaganda organizations like the minorities have, complete with a stable of lawyers. We will not win this war by fighting with brute force, but by using the same system which is protecting the blessed people of color.

Consider standing and fighting, instead of “white flighting.” Whites have simply moved away when minorities have taken over their neighborhoods. Instead of this, how about using the system to make things uncomfortable for the invaders? Arizona has passed a variety of laws which make it a hostile environment for illegal aliens. This is done legally. There are zoning and HOA regulations which can also make life difficult for those who are unwanted. You can limit the number of occupants, for example, in a single family home, depending upon how many bedrooms and bathrooms it has. There are legal, age-restricted communities you can live in if you are 55 or over. All of these strategies are part of “gaming the system” and don’t involve the use of any physical force. The Left is expert at doing this.

Most importantly, we need to develop the kind of unity that other races have, and we need to understand that they have no problem annihilating us if it suits their purposes. Just look at what has happened to South Africa under black rule for a guide. And then get busy
