
A word that was coined by Communist mass-murderer Leon Trotsky, whose constant aim was to cow, intimidate, and stifle political debate.

by Tucker

In more modern times, the word ‘racism’ or ‘racist’ has, as the Communist left’s diabolically evil and sinister influence over the White Western nations has grown – been expanded to include any desire or activity on the part of anyone who is of White European genetic origins to accomplish any of the following:

1. Working to ensure the racial survival of the White European people.

2. Seeking to resist and overturn the genocidal efforts of our alien and hostile ruling elites to dispossess White European people inside their native and historic homelands.

3. Expressing any sense of racial pride or racial solidarity within the White European descended community, i.e., doing exactly what every other non-white race is encouraged to do, meaning, engaging in ‘tribal thinking’ and correspondingly looking out for the ethnic specific interests of White Europeans.

4. Openly identifying the #1 non-White enemy who is the primary force behind the global-wide effort to destroy every historic, majority White European founded nation by flooding them with millions and millions of non-assimilable, parasitic, clearly hostile – and oftentimes predatory, non-Whites – from every third world garbage dump of a nation on the planet.

5. Expressing opposition to miscegenation and a strong, committed preference to have children and grandchildren who look like you and who carry on your White European genes instead of the genes of an African Bantu or a mestizo or some flavor of an Asiatic race.

6. In conclusion, any effort whatsoever on the part of any White man or woman to ensure their survival as a race – which means, resisting the racial genocide that our virulently anti-White, hate consumed Cultural Marxist enemies crave for our people – is now deemed to be ‘racism’.

A question for the ADL and SPLC: Did I explain that well enough?
