Walmart Stores Celebrate Diversity and Dependency

by John Young

This week the Xerox facility that processes EBT payments for Louisiana lost power for a couple of hours when a routine test failed, so stores in 17 States had no way to verify that transactions on EBT cards didn’t exceed the available balance. The standard procedure in such circumstances is to either not process transactions or to limit purchases to $50.

Walmart stores in heavily … diverse areas have paid a heavy price for the glitch.

In Philadelphia, Mississippi, shoppers who were informed that their EBT cards wouldn’t work staged a riot and simply walked out with the groceries unpaid. The store was ultimately forced to close until EBT cards were working again.

In some other Walmart stores, managers seeking to avoid such a scenario waived the $50 purchase limit and allowed processing of transactions in any amount. The results were predictable as shoppers cleaned the store out to bare shelves, sometimes using as many as seven shopping carts. Naturally, they didn’t have enough funds in their accounts to cover the groceries and government officials have left Walmart to pick up the tab for their decision. There was a time in this country when it was the very rare person of any race who would knowingly cheat a retailer out of even a nickel. But now a great deal has changed.

At one time, though there was segregation, people in this country of all races shared a common value system broadly based on a Germanized Christianity. In 1955, the illegitimacy rate among blacks was lower than the illegitimacy rate is among white people today. It was understood that well-raised people didn’t break the Ten Commandments, and that those who did belonged in jail. People understood that they made their own destiny, and that hard work and postponement of gratification were the way to get ahead.

Of course, that was also the era before the internationalization of business and free movement of goods across borders. It was an era where a man could make a living running a garbage truck or selling shoes that would keep a roof over his family’s head. It was also an era where having children out of wedlock brought social stigma rather than a hand-out.

But today we live in an economy where over a quarter of men are out of work, where the majority of children are born out of wedlock, and where the idea of the “starter marriage” has reared its ugly head and men no longer wishing to foot the bill for their ex-wive’s boyfriends have gone on strike. Most jobs have been shoved overseas and while the productivity of the American worker has increased by 70% over the past four decades, fat cats have eaten the profit as wages have stagnated for some and declined for most in terms of buying power. A lifestyle that could once be provided by a welder for a full-time mom and two kids now can’t be provided by two working people in recognized professions. The churches have sold out and carry an empty message along with empty pews, our governments are insolvent and in hock, there is no legal avenue available for a man with an IQ under 100 to support a family, our government feels justified in spying on our text messages and the world seems on autopilot headed over the cliff.

In this environment, nearly 50 million Americans receive government assistance for food, and it is considered an entitlement. Rather than being taught that they are in control of their own destiny, millions of blacks and other minorities have been raised to believe that white people as a whole are responsible for their plight — and OWE them. Unprovoked attacks and murders of white people by other races exceed the UN threshold to be called a war. The differential in rape statistics speaks of ethnic cleansing. Our schools indoctrinate our kids in trash and require kids who can’t sit still for their daily dose of insanity to be drugged. Corporations have sold us out and after figuring out every conceivable way to lie in practice while technically telling the truth, people feel no more loyalty to the corporations than the corporations feel to them. The relationship is adversarial and parasitic rather than interrelated and symbiotic.

And in this environment, when their EBT cards didn’t work, black people staged a riot and stole food.

One is tempted to blame that on racial differences, but the reality is that 60 years ago any kid of any race who brought home stolen property would have had his butt kicked by his father, been punished severely, would have brought the goods back and paid restitution. But the welfare state has destroyed the black family. There IS no father for 90% of black kids, just as there is now no father for 30% of white kids. Yes, there have always been differentials between races in terms of heritable characteristics such as IQ that have an affect on crime. But there were communities, families and churches that established expectations and kept black neighborhoods livable.

This is the fault of the failed institution in Washington we call the Federal Government, but is in reality a bunch of short-sighted self-serving scumbags who would sell their own mothers to bask in electoral approval. There might be five or six people of vision and integrity within the legislature — and that is being generous.

It has been well known and obvious to anyone with eyes for decades and decades that the policies of multiculturalism, racial integration, affirmative action, leftist educational schemes, destruction of religion, family law straight out of the USSR and literally paying people to make unwise decisions was a recipe for disaster. These outcomes are not new. They are obvious and they are well-documented. It was likewise painfully obvious to anyone with a brain that putting our workers in direct competition with child slave labor in Asia would end up sinking wages. It is obvious that teaching kids from infancy that whitey is their enemy will breed hostility and entitlement.

All of this is deliberate. And unless we work very hard, with an upcoming amnesty for tens of millions of illegal immigrants that will become a permanent voting-block underclass, it will be irreversible. What we saw in Mississippi will play out again and again and again. No place outside the gated communities where the politicians live will be safe. But where will the politicians’ grandchildren live? Evidently, they haven’t thought that far ahead, because if they had that sort of foresight this country would still be 90% white and 10% black.
