Exposing Anti-White Arguments

Watch and learn how a racially aware white man decimates the “arguments” of egalitarian anti-European crackpots. Like a prisoner’s shank his response is unexpected and deadly.

In its ethnic and cultural composition, America has always been predominantly European, and it has always been European in its religious makeup. The sources of such fundamentally American notions as individualism, the rule of law, private property, political liberty, and limited government, to mention only a few, are derived from systems of philosophical and political thought that are uniquely European — that are indeed the crowning glory of European man.

These systems of thought spring forth from an astonishing synthesis of ideas that has no parallel in the world or in all of history outside of Europe and that hearken back to the experiments in self-government by the ancient Greeks. Without its European foundation, America would not have had a Constitution or a Bill of Rights, political liberty or individualism, the rule of law or the concept of limited government. Thus, our European heritage is not cause for shame, as the multiculturalists would have it, but for pride.

Moreover, it is to our European ancestors that Americans owe a debt of eternal gratitude for the freedoms that have blessed their lives for over 200 years. Elsewhere, of course, outside of Europe and North America, despotism has been the immutable law throughout all of the ages and has been deeply ingrained in many of the world’s cultures for millennia — and culture is one of the most powerful forces in the world.
