Oath Keepers: Someone is Trying to Set Up Liberty Activists Using Child Porn

The depravity of the enemies of the West know no bounds

This a warning to all of our members, readers, supporters, and to the general liberty movement.

Please be extremely careful with email, and do not open any attachments from anyone who you don’t know, or from any suspicious email, such as tormail. And even if it seems to be from someone you know, take the time to read the email address carefully, to see if it is from a Tormail account, or other anonymous email service. It could be someone impersonating someone you know, to trick you into opening files with child-porn on them.

No one here at Oath Keepers uses tormail or any other anonymous email service, so if you see an email purporting to be from Oath Keepers, or from anyone in leadership at Oath Keepers, from such an email service, do not open it.
There have been a string of anonymous attacks on liberty activists, all attempting to trick people into opening email attachments containing child-porn. We know of at least four such attempts within the past few weeks.

The first was when someone emailed Luke Rudkowski, Founder of We Are Change and tried to trick him into opening attached jpeg files containing child porn. Luke was able to use the “view” function of his email to see that the images were child porn and he did not open them.

