When Narcissists Attack

by Anonymous Conservative

I’ve always said, if you deal with a Narcissist, be aware that they will do things that you couldn’t possibly predict. They could catch you sleeping, and maybe even kill you. Here is an example of what I mean when I say this.

This lady got into a car with her husband, because she couldn’t imagine how it could go wrong. His plan, however, was to drive at high speed, unbuckle her seat belt, and then crash into a tree. I guarantee you, in addition to all his work to disable her airbag, he had also made several test runs at that tree, timing his unbuckle and his speed. This type of thing happens. You need to be aware – if you have seen other indices of aberrant behavior, you may see more in the future, and they may involve killing you. The Narcissist thinks nothing like you do. They are capable of anything.

This is actually a perfect example of the difference in how Narcissists operate. They are all about sneaking, surprising, and avoiding any consequences, much like like Liberals seeking to manipulate government to attack the successful. When you have a clever Narcissist who wants to surprise you, and he will do anything to do it, you will be surprised when he wrecks the car, almost kills himself, and risks going to jail for life, just to avoid divorce proceedings. I’m sure before this happened, nobody would have believed this guy would be so crazy.

What is most interesting to me is how they think. In reality they will get so panicky that they will do anything to avoid having you expose their evil in court to everyone else. Have no illusions, this Narcissist went to these lengths because he was running from panic. Outgrouping is among the most horrific things that can happen to these characters.What is most interesting to me is how they think. In reality they will get so panicky that they will do anything to avoid having you expose their evil in court to everyone else. Have no illusions, this Narcissist went to these lengths because he was running from panic. Outgrouping is among the most horrific things that can happen to these characters.

But in the Narcissist’s head, that all gets twisted around to how brilliant he is, and how much smarter he is than everyone else, because that stresses his amygdala and ACC less. Eventually, the Narcissist actually believes that, because it feels good. Again, the parallels to Liberalism, and its emotion-driven behavior are clear.

If you are ejecting a Narcissist from your life, be careful as you head out the door. Never forget, if you think something is weird, it is, and it may be a glimmer of something very ominous in your future, that the Narcissist has hidden from your view. To the Narcissist, it is your leaving which is most panicking, and therefore it is that stimulus which will provoke the most extreme behavioral aberrations from them. If they were bad when they were with you, they will be worse if you are about to get away.

Of course this applies to governments as well. If your people or your nation are about to eject a movement of Narcissists from power, be aware that they, and the leaders they have elected, will be capable of anything. In these crazy times, this is a point of particular note.

PS – Notice the downmouth, and the cheeks being drawn outward and down, ever so slightly on the narc in question. To me, many narcs have cheeks which look like they are either stretched to the outside of the face, or stretched outward and down, in a grimace. When they smile, the cheeks remain stressed in a grimace, and the downmouth is negated by the smile into a horizontal line, sometimes retaining just a little of the downmouth, making it is clear the smiling muscles are straining against something.

A good example is the pastor here, pictured in jail with a neutral expression, and pictured here, smiling with the innocent wife he was convicted of killing with a cocktail of sleeping pills, followed by a pillow-smothering. You can see that Narc one above has a bit more of a temper (hence the more direct, and brutal car crash attack), while narc two would be more cloaked in his rage (hence smothering a sleeping woman who never knew he killed her), but they are the same animal, both hollow in soul, and equally dangerous.
