It Aint Over Till It’s Over

While we still have a ways to go, everything you do on behalf of courage, liberty and our Folk counts more than you will ever know.

by Frank Roman

It would be hard to overestimate the extent to which the US has surrendered to a leftist/neocon world view. It has to end soon though no one is exactly sure how its demise will play out. There is the potential for us to experience, shall we say, a very “unpleasant” epoch ahead in order to get rid of it. Multiple warnings about the leftist / neocon / corporate paradigm can be noted between the lines in print and during a lot of talk radio programs. More than anyone else though it seems white nationalists, European American advocates and their liaisons are the only ones who have the stones to openly call this paradigm what it is: the dispossession of America’s founding people. They point out how transformative social ideologies, such as multiculturalism, miscegenation, political correctness — and governmental policies like affirmative action, open borders and a graduated income tax — all funnel down to this one unavoidable fact:

the dispossession of America’s founding race.

It is my belief that, sooner than later, much more extreme methods may have to be used in order to wipe out systemic corruption; a corruption of lies and brainwashing that lies at the very heart of the neocon / leftist / media driven world view, a corruption that in healthier eras would immediately have been crushed by an ethical body of men.

Let’s get real here: With the media and our “education” system categorically on the side of our internal enemies — be they white enemies or not — since the end of WWII hardcore political agendas designed to capitalize on collective guilt were disguised as ordinary efforts based on “compassion.” At the same time intellectual blinders were then forced on everyone’s eyes — and needless to say they still are. In other words white Western civilization had to be depicted as inferior and oppressive, inconsequential and relative, in order to build on an environment of “tolerance”– based on suicide, of course.

Sensible use of the internet will confirm that this truism extends well beyond the US and is strikingly similar elsewhere. Therefore, there is no reason NOT to believe that here in the US (as well as other Western nations) huge increases in immigration and the proliferation of programs centered on closely controlled white guilt over the past 4 or 5 decades — was then and is now — a premeditated attempt to encourage a weakened multi racial ‘diverse’ America. The very bellicose and very dead Ted Kennedy led the effort in the 1960’s right on up to its logical conclusion in 2010. Of course, most of our people’s suicidal tendencies have been funded by their own tax dollars stolen by the IRS at the point of a gun from our paychecks.

To my friends — and my sworn enemies — who think we’re full of it; who refuse to believe that European Americans have embraced the liberal-capitalist system’s most deadly element, cultural Marxism, dooming us all to failure, take a look at just three news items Western Voices World News posted just several years ago:

June 8th: Whites now a minority in California: “Non-Hispanic whites are now a minority in California, according to new census data. A jump in Hispanic births and Asian immigration propelled whites into minority status for the first time since 1860, when accurate census data started being recorded.”

Also on June 8th: Whites now (the) Minority in 1 in 10 (US) Counties: “Whites are now in the minority in nearly one in 10 U.S. counties. And that increased diversity, fueled by immigration and higher birth rates among blacks and Hispanics, is straining race relations and sparking a backlash against immigrants in many communities.”

June 11th: Hurtling Toward a Non-white USA: “Whites are on the verge of becoming a minority among newborn children in the U.S., marking a demographic shift that is already reshaping the nation’s politics and economy.”

Now I ask you, how are these developments a good thing? How does the United States benefit from being a majority white homogeneous nation, like it was just a few short decades ago, to one that resembles a top heavy multicultural Tower of Babel? How will we as a people benefit as the majority race of European Americans is finally displaced, marginalized, and cowed? Well, if you’re honest you already know the answer: there is no benefit. There is no upshot. It is a recipe for death. And really our enemies know that, which is why they’re pushing it on multiple public vectors day and night 24-7.

If you still can’t wrap your brain around this news consider this: Imagine that the above news stories originated in China, with all the attendant backlash. Now imagine the Chinese government boldly and without compunction announcing to the world that they will no longer allow other races to immigrate to China, because they do not want their Chinese citizens to interbreed with other races, for example. What’s more, visualize the Chinese government announcing to the world that they are fed up with listening to Americans and Europeans insulting them for eating dogs, cats, and scorpions. Imagine also the Chinese declaring that they will wear their own style of clothing, that they will retain ALL aspects of their Chinese culture no matter who doesn’t like it. Picture also the Chinese people’s government deciding whether or not their international trading decisions with the world should be based on the impact these trading policies have on their race, their culture and nation.

Aside from a handful of Marxist gasbags like Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman, and religious nutcases like John Hagee, how could anyone in truth blame the Chinese – or anyone else for that matter — for taking these kinds of steps that naturally facilitate self preservation in the face of corporate and cultural globalism? Indeed, common sense tells us they would be better off as a homogeneous nation, taking the steps necessary that will actually preserve a large slice of global diversity. Common sense will also dictate that nations who do not take these kinds of steps will lose everything, their culture, their identity, and even their soul. And really, while the Chinese are not perfect, so too are European Americans not perfect.

But that doesn’t mean these groups ought to be replaced with something or someone else, does it?

I don’t want to risk redundancy here so let’s cut to the chase. There will be no United States without a solid majority of white people just as surely as there would be no China if she adopted our insane diversity policies. The new Afro/Chicano/Asian/pigeon English majority that’s slated for majority status in 2042 and beyond won’t give a single flying damn about extending to our people the same legal protections, racial preferences, and subsidies they are receiving today. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights of our forefathers will be relegated to screeds of conquest and forever locked away.

Thankfully though, the lies and deceptions presented to us all about open borders, racial blending, multiculturalism, democracy and materialism is wearing thinner by the day, as it has been noticeably for the last decade. But we still have a long way to go, and time is very short. In other words it’s now time for people of all rank and background to choose whether they are pro-white or pro-white genocide.

To those who operate websites and do internet radio shows, to those who march in protest and raise their angry voices on behalf of our people, to those who are quietly educating others one on one, to those who fire off comments on the untold blogs out there, who call into talk radio shows and write letters to the paper, to those who reach out and urge others to defy the monopoly of multiculturalism, we thank you. Moreover, we’d like you to consider forming a chapter of European Americans United and begin addressing issues in your own communities. All of us, each and every one of us who actually ‘grew a pair’, ARE having a positive impact and no one can tell me any different, but we need to step it up. Now.

So in spite of my rather cynical-sounding message today I want you to know that a mass consciousness is forming among our people; that you need to become a part of it if you’re not already. This mass consciousness is emanating from the bottom up because those who are beguiling our people cannot maintain their self-control forever and it’s becoming more evident now in 2013. While we still have a ways to go, everything you do on behalf of courage, liberty and our Folk counts more than you will ever know.
