It’s a Wonderful Anti-White Christmas Story (Pass it on)

Anti-racist is code for anti-white.

Your enemies are telling you that in as little as six to eight years your white child or children—provided you even have any—will be the new minority, the new enemy of the state, the new bad apple in the multicultural barrel. So based on the overwhelming evidence in the media, the outright discrimination of our education systems and churches; and the destructive self interest of our politicians I now know I can safely make this assumption. In fact we have already arrived.

But not to worry, we are told. The Melting Pot under the management of white hating oligarchs will somehow work its voodoo magic. In a generation or two, the tens of millions who have come here from Mexico, Central and South America, Puerto Rico, India, the Philippines and Africa will all be absorbed and one way or another Americanized, just exactly like the millions of Irish, Italians, Poles, Germans, Scots English and Russians who came through Ellis Island; and things will continue as they always have.

And really, it has been my experience over the years, sharing this observation with a handful of narrow-minded acquaintances; they actually do believe that nothing will change; that it will make no difference whatsoever when the nation of their forefathers reflects a new Third World mixed bag majority.

How tragically stupid of them.
