Why do Liberals Seem Impervious to Racial Facts?

by John Young

Racism, like witchcraft, does not exist. The very word defines itself in terms of things that are not real because the definition hinges on the non-factual belief that races are identical in all but skin color. Like the old-time church used the charge of heresy to limit science and any other non-conforming thought that posed a threat to the dogma of the power structure, the word racism denotes non-conformity with a non-factual dogma that the power structure wants us to believe and espouse.

Back channel, EAU members have been discussing the problem of convincing liberals that race is a biological reality and that the differences between races are important and should be preserved.

Racially aware European-Americans are on the cutting edge of intellectual innovation. If you look carefully at the websites of our advocacy organizations, you’ll find that we don’t just question the standard dogma on race, but we question core ideas in psychology, economics, politics and more. We are, in some ways, the most free and innovative social thinkers on the planet. Race was only the most obvious issue, but once the shell of the egg of the status quo was cracked, we looked inside to find that the whole egg was rotten.

There are many other sincere political and economic reform movements out there that don’t refer to race, but who dare to question the dogma of the status quo in important ways. Though they aren’t as wide-ranging in their intellectual freedom as pro-European-American thinkers, they nevertheless hit the same roadblock: no amount of evidence, facts and reason will persuade a substantial portion of the public to re-think their politics or behavior. Some organized groups, like the Libertarian Party, don’t even suffer from the handicap of being sentenced to the outer darkness, and still have managed to achieve hardly anything in 40-50 years. Sometimes they even run their candidates as Republicans or Democrats because running a candidate as Libertarian is pretty much a guarantee of single-digit vote count.

Think about this. In terms of race and sex issues, Libertarians are about as politically correct as you can get. They have been struggling for decades to change hearts and minds with facts, evidence and reason and have made pretty much no progress, Most of their publications and websites have influence limited to those who already agree with them.

In many respects, we find ourselves in the same place as the Libertarians. Why?
One thing we should keep in mind is that most people — even very intelligent people — never think a single original thought in their entire lives. Most people accept the beliefs that authority gives them to believe, and they will accept those beliefs EVEN IF those beliefs contradict what they see with their own eyes.

It was our fellow Europeans who burned nearly 100,000 “witches” to death on the word of authority, and even made the accusations and attended the burnings as spectator events. They watched their fellow Europeans scream, burn and die for the crime of witchcraft.

Witches do not exist. Nobody is making pacts with the devil signed in blood to gain arcane powers so they can curse cattle and fly on brooms. They do not exist and they have never existed. Witchcraft cannot even be a crime as it doesn’t exist and has never existed.

Yet, our ancestors burned other white people to death by the tens of thousands in public spectacles for the nonexistent crime of witchcraft. Think about that.

Galileo was forced to recant the heliocentric solar system model on his knees to save his life, and spent the rest of his life in prison for daring to think a thought deemed dangerous to the ruling class of his day. If his calculations — far beyond the understanding of the illiterate herds — been presented as examples of witchcraft, the herd would have gladly gaped as his flesh was consumed in flames.

In every age, we think we are so much more enlightened than we were in previous ages. But are we really?

I have a 1957 unabridged New Century dictionary. It’s huge. It weighs about 20 pounds. And the words “racism” and “racist” do not even exist in that weighty tome. Isn’t that interesting?

Racism, like witchcraft, does not exist. The very word defines itself in terms of things that are not real because the definition hinges on the non-factual belief that races are identical in all but skin color. Like the old-time church used the charge of heresy to limit non-conforming thought that posed a threat to the dogma of the power structure, the word racism denotes non-conformity with a non-factual dogma that the power structure wants us to believe and espouse.

Facts have nothing to do with it. Reality has nothing to do with it. Evidence has nothing to do with it. Logic has nothing to do with it. The concepts of “racism” and “racist” have been advanced simply because they serve the existing power structure’s purposes, and the average white person will latch onto those concepts with unquestioning obedience because that is what authority espouses. It’s really just that simple.

So “racism” is just another word for “heresy” (for which our people also burned each other willingly), meaning to espouse information that is contrary to what established authority believes to be in its best interests. A racist is just a heretic — someone who is guilty of the charged crime just by virtue of the accusation and there is no defense. Any defense against heresy is similar to defenses against racism: “I can’t be a heretic because I gave $X to the church and support 20 nuns and 10 monks.” “I can’t be a racist because I give $X to the NAACP and am married to a Black Latina.” But even then, if you stray too far with dangerous words and ideas, you are branded.

One thing pro-European-American activists should notice is that NO AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE, NO AMOUNT OF FACTS and NO AMOUNT OF REASON will persuade a liberal (or a conservative or a libertarian) to believe that race is real, racial differences are real, and that those differences have important public policy implications.

Think about it. What would have happened to someone in the Middle Ages who objected to a witch burning by declaring that witchcraft did not exist? Why, he would have been charged with heresy and burned beside the witches as a heretic! And never forget, just being friends or friendly with a heretic, employing a heretic, or doing business with a heretic could get you burned as well.

Are you seeing the parallels?

Look, we’re all friends here. When speaking with each other we can use facts, evidence and logic because we are an elite capable of thinking outside the jail of intellectual obedience to authority.

But when it comes to dealing with the masses, the herd, the people who would gladly burn you at the stake for entertainment if authority asked, you have to take a different approach. By all means, separate those few from the herd who can join us. But those will always be just a few. The rest of the herd needs to be converted by other means, and specifically by means that leverages the existing stated priorities of existing authority.

An example of this is our current activism campaign focused on reducing TV viewing. It has no controversial content whatsoever, but leverages the priority used by the established authority to justify any and every atrocity while the herd swallows blindly: “the children.” In this way, we use the content and advocacy of authority to undermine the means that authority uses to communicate.

If you pay attention, you’ll also find that hate sells. Just look in the news and you’ll find that the NRA president and members are currently receiving death threats. Just look at any rally of feminists and you’ll see them united in an irrational hatred of men AS men. Liberalism is filled with hatred. This makes it extremely seductive because it is easier to hate others than to build up yourself. It is easier to blame your lot in life on evil white males than to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and take responsibility for your life. We sell a doctrine of personal responsibility, and that is a much harder sell. Hate is easy because hate is lazy. Personal responsibility is hard.

This country has a billion dollar a year diet pill industry. Everybody knows that diet pills don’t work. What works is physical activity and impulse control. But that is hard. Pills are easy. So we sell billions of dollars of diet pills while everyone just gets fatter and fatter. They refuse to face the fact that impulse control and hard work are the answer, and keep buying different brands of pills hoping that “this time it will work.” Pro-white groups carry a hard message, a difficult message. We carry a message of hard work. We carry a message of impulse control. We carry a message of setting aside your personal and individual whims of the moment in favor of something far greater than yourself in the future. Most people have a hard time imagining anything as being more important than their own personal whims. Just imagine the implications for a liberal who actually changed his mind in the face of the facts and logic we present. If he accepted the facts and changed his mind, he would feel obligated to DO something. Far easier to disregard the facts.

Liberalism also provides effortless virtue. It is an outgrowth of the idea that what you profess to believe is what makes you Good, rather than how you behave. You can go sleep with your best friend’s husband, teach your kids to smoke marijuana and steal from your employer while still being a “good person” because, after all, at least you aren’t racist. Being able to see yourself as a good person no matter what is very seductive because everyone wants to get up in the morning and see what they believe to be a good person in the mirror. But discarding the liberal belief puts that self concept in danger because then all past actions that were based on it are called into question. She then has to WORK to be Good, rather than being Good just for believing what her social studies teacher says.

Pro-white people don’t believe in effortless virtue. They don’t believe it is enough just to believe in their dogma. They believe in DEEDS to achieve virtue. They believe in proper deeds informed by belief in reality and a morality higher than their personal whims. They see themselves as part of both past and future rather than the mindless hedonism in the moment. Selling action to someone who spends, on average, 35 hours a day in front of the TV is not easy. They’ll have every excuse in the world why they can’t.

I was recently talking to a white man about physical fitness. He said he couldn’t afford to go to a gym, so I offered to give him a book on how to get in excellent shape without a gym. Then he claimed he didn’t have time, and I explained it could be done in less than 3 hours a week. He said he didn’t have the money for any equipment and I offered to give it to him for free.

Is this reminding you of anything?

Finally, he proclaimed that even though what I was describing would work for him, he couldn’t do it so long as he was a smoker. Granted, smoking is unhealthy. But guess what? About 70% of the world’s elite athletes at the Olympics are smokers, and it doesn’t keep them from getting fit. Smoking is bad, but compounding the damage of smoking through inactivity is even worse. He refused to believe me. I took him to an Internet browser and showed him several articles documenting Gold-medal winning Olympic athletes as smokers, and he still refused to believe.

WHY did he refuse to believe? Because I was LYING? Of course not. He refused to believe because if he had accepted the facts it would have taken away his last objection to doing the hard work of personal improvement.

Liberals will not convert easily because of their mindless obedience to authority, their aversion to personal improvement and hard work, their fear of having to earn their own virtue and the fact they like being in the crowd while heretics burn. But look at the bright side: in a future world where we are in charge, they will defend the ideas we tell them to defend just as vociferously as they defend those of the status quo today, and they’ll be all too happy to toast marshmallows in the bonfires that we light.
