Diversity Comes to Israel

What goes around comes around.

Thousands took to the streets of Tel Aviv on Friday for a march meant to promote human rights.Demonstrators who attended the fourth annual rally carried posters calling for “racism-free elections” and stating that “a true revolutions starts from the bottom.” Other slogans criticized Israel’s leaders – including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman – of stifling civil liberties.

The march commenced at the plaza in front of the Habima National Theater and concluded at Rabin Square, where various artists performed to mark the international Human Rights Day.
“I felt it was important for me to attend and represent Arab women, whose rights are violated over and over,” said Waffa Tiara of the Maan Workers Advice Center, who came to the rally with friends. Tiara, who helps women find work, said that unemployment rate among Arab women amounts to 83%.

