Remaking a People

“Long live our race! Long live the Whites!”

France’s Bloc Identitaire (Identitarian Bloc) held its convention at the beginning of November in Orange, Provence. This was just two weeks after the party’s youth movement Génération Identitaire memorably stormed the construction site of the Poitiers mosque. Poitiers, located in Central-Western France, is near the actual site of the Battle of Tours (referred to as the “Battle of Poitiers” by French historians) in 732 A.D., when Charles Martel, “Mayor of the Palace,” turned back the Islamic advance in Western Europe.

Because of the scandal aroused by this masterful operation, the convention was overcrowded: 800 people came, and there were of course lots of journalists looking for “proof” of the evilness of the Identitarian activists. So far they’ve been disappointed. The young militants of this ten-year-old party are decent, educated and well-behaved people, instead of the swastika-waving skinheads that the reporters were hoping for.
A keynote speech delivered by Mario Borghezio, Member of the European Parliament from the Italian Lega Nord, showed that the “Reconquest” is not a mere slogan. In an inspiring Mussolini-esque performance, he shouted, with a thick Italian accent,“Long live our race! Long live the Whites!” The reception was, to my great surprise, very positive. There were in the audience many people coming from the Left, who were at times highly critical of conservative and Christian speakers, but who totally agreed with the idea that Whites must defend their interests as a race — even if it is at the expense of other races. If anything, this shows that radicalism has a stronger appeal to former liberals than dull, moderate conservatism. The most interesting speeches, besides that of Mario Borghezio, were delivered by young, active militants.

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