The System is Beyond Repair

by John Young

Here at EAU we “Engage the System to Change the System,” and in some measure, we and other organizations have had some minor success in various endeavors, such as working with the Ron Paul campaign in 2008 or helping to defeat the last proposed amnesty for illegal aliens by mobilizing tens of thousands of angry phone calls to elected officials.

And it is important to keep doing this sort of activism in order to limit the damage we experience in the short term.

But in the longer term, our system cannot be fixed through democratic means. Not only has it gone too far with a weight of judicial precedent that can never be untangled, but demography is no longer sufficient to muster the voting blocks needed to create positive change on a national level. While every other ethnic group essentially block-votes for their perceived ethnic interests, only European-Americans dilute their vote along the lines of government workers, welfare recipients, and across such issues as gay marriage and abortion. There is even a “marriage gap” — a rather extreme one — among white voters. As a result of this extreme case of materialistic individualism and in many cases outright parasitism even within our own ethnicity, we cannot realistically expect to garner the votes needed to create serious electoral successes outside of small areas.

In Europe, people with views like ours are somewhat more successful because they have long adopted pro-European yet non-hateful mindsets that don’t alienate their own people, and because they don’t have “winner takes all” elections. A party can participate in governance if it gathers only a small percentage of votes. This can help to create coalitions where the benefits of even modest electoral successes are multiplied. But it doesn’t work like that here, where you generally have to win a majority of votes to get anything at all, and the cost of elections (and the legal expertise needed to run them) makes them inaccessible to people not already well connected to the status quo.

Moreover, the seeds for the problems we see today were planted in the past to which racial conservatives wish to return. Without expunging those seeds, the problems we see today would simply be re-created. America as America died in 1861. And the seeds for that conflict — a mercantile conflict — had been planted as early as our Constitution and to some degree even in Enlightenment and universalist religious ideas that preceded it. So even if we could erase everything back to 1950, it would all happen again.

Through dedicated activism we may be able to stay the barbarian at the gate for a time or slow his progress, but the gate will ultimately fall. As I stated earlier, it is important to engage in activism to limit the damage to our people in the short term. Everything we can conserve of our unique genetic heritage is a benefit to our future efforts. Activism won’t gain many converts so long as people are comfortable, but it will plant the seed for the coming time when their comforts disappear and they seek action. Almost all writing on web sites like this is preaching to the choir.

But at the same time, we have to be realistic about the fact that the System is so thoroughly rotten it is beyond reform. There is a huge scandal going on with over 300 workers in the D.C. Unemployment Office cutting themselves checks for extra money as though they were unemployed. Some collected more than $27,000. Just today, 47 FBI agents raided the main branch of the Detroit Public Library (whose administrator earns over $150k/year) for contract fraud and kickbacks. These are just two examples, but the System is worm-eaten with this. The last two Speakers of the House in the Massachusetts legislature wound up behind bars. And don’t forget how many people died in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina because the insatiable maw of corruption had prevented necessary repairs to the levies for years. A system this brazenly and openly corrupt — that can’t even put its corruption on hold long enough to avoid killing its own citizens — even if we didn’t have demographic problems, cannot be repaired — it has to be destroyed, completely replaced, or abandoned.

Meanwhile, the current managerial elite is completely out of touch with the basics of human nature and even in denial about common-sense mathematics. It keeps over-reaching financially.

Our federal government is running a $16 trillion debt; our States and local governments have an aggregate $2.8 trillion in debt. Home mortgage debt is over $13 trillion with the average personal debt per citizen running at over $50,000. Meanwhile, the unfunded liabilities of our federal government come to over $1 million for every citizen in the country at a time when, if all corporate, small business and personal assets in the country were combined, it would only come to $277,000 per citizen. In other words, the unfunded liabilities are so huge that if we literally just sold the whole country outright to China at full market prices, we’d have less than a third of what we need to fund our liabilities. (All of this data comes from the U.S. Debt Clock.) Yet they want to give illegal aliens access to welfare benefits and a subsidized college education, which shows how amazingly blind they are. This financial system is a house of cards because our GNP is 70% consumption and 30% production, meaning we are exporting what wealth we have so that foreign countries can buy our debt. We no longer have a base of wealth creation even remotely capable of bailing us out.

Believing so strongly in its own created multicultural myth of a fungible and plastic generic human, the managerial elite is completely blind to the fact there is already a low-grade 4G ethnic civil war under way in this country. They think that by failing to report it and by confounding the statistics, they can bury their heads in the sand.

According to the New York Times: “The common scholarly definition [of civil war] has two main criteria. The first says that the warring groups must be from the same country and fighting for control of the political center, control over a separatist state or to force a major change in policy. The second says that at least 1,000 people must have been killed in total, with at least 100 from each side.”

Though I’ll admit that meeting the first part of the definition is a stretch, the second part is met in spades. Between 1976 and 2002, blacks murdered 26,727 whites. During the same period, whites and Hispanics combined murdered 10,207 blacks. (The reports don’t distinguish between whites and Hispanics as perpetrators — only as victims.) Between 2001 and 2003, blacks committed 12,762 sexual assaults of white women annually, while whites and Hispanics combined committed an average 900 sexual assaults of black women. The 36,934 total dead Americans more than meets the threshold for defining a civil war, and in fact exceeds the number of Americans who died in the Korean war. (These statistics come from the New Century Foundation’s Color of Crime report, which is compiled from official government data.)

Their multicultural paradise has yielded tens of thousands of dead people, nearly half a million assaulted annually, and an environment of pervasive fear and distrust. And this is during a period with plentiful welfare, free housing, free food and even free cable TV and free cell phones. Once the rug is fully removed from America’s debt-driven false prosperity, things will undoubtedly get worse. This is because there has never been a case in history where a multicultural society exposed to resource scarcity did not degenerate into all-out civil war except under the most brutal of hard totalitarian regimes. Keep in mind, as well, that Peak Oil is coming, and our Pentagon expects the effects to be felt as soon as 2015.

So by all means, we shall continue to “Engage the System to Change the System,” but we understand that the System has no choice but to fall. It is past the point of no return where disaster cannot be averted and electoral politics can only deliver palliative care but not cure the fatal illness of modernity. Not wishing to participate in an all-out ethnic civil war, European-Americans need to be thinking hard about secession. We can let the blacks, Hispanics and a shell-shocked managerial elite fight their civil war over the corpse of what used to be America, while we start a new nation on a more solid basis.
