The Insidious Seventeenth Amendment

by John Young

by John Young

The United States was intended to be a Republic rather than a Democracy. People have short memories and, quite frankly, the average person isn’t smart enough to be responsible for her own governance.

Our founding fathers realized this, and therefore provided that the President be elected by electors appointed by each state, that the Senators be appointed by the legislators of each state, and that the Supreme Court be appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate. The only branch of government popularly elected would be the House of Representatives.

This was very wise. It is a lot easier to corrupt an individual Senator who requires umpteen millions of dollars for a general campaign than it is to corrupt enough members of a State legislature to secure the election of a given Senator. Furthermore, it provided specific representation of the interests of the States as sovereign entities, thereby preventing over-reach by the Federal government.

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