Summary of Foreign Policy Debate Between Obama and Romney

by Angry White MaleFor those who missed last night’s debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, please allow me to summarize the debate from the perspective of an Angry White Male.1. They both love Israel and will fight to the death to protect Israel’s territorial integrity. They don’t care about the territorial integrity of the United States. 2. Neither mentioned the impeachable offense of the Obama administration allowing our personnel in Libya to be murdered despite having ample warning. Neither mentioned Obama attributing that attack to American free speech or the fact that an American is now imprisoned as a result but the terrorists are not.3. They both LOVE LOVE ISRAEL! 4. They are both incredibly dishonest in that they consider garrisoning THOUSANDS of troops in Iraq to constitute “withdrawal” but rightly assume the gullible American public will believe there are no longer any troops in Iraq in harms way. 5. They both love Israel more than the other! They fully support Israel deporting the inconveniently black Ethiopian Jews, but can’t seem to wrap their minds around deporting the 21 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS IN AMERICA.6. They both want to “get tough with China” but are utterly impotent because they both want to run deficits financed by China. They are good actors because they said this without smirking at how dumb they (rightly) think their viewers are for missing this little detail. 7. They both LOVE ISRAEL SO VERY VERY MUCH!8. They both see defense in terms of hardware (read: $defense$ $contracts$ cha-ching!) and favor extreme intervention in the affairs of foreign countries in order to make lots and lots of enemies so that other people’s children will die for nothing. 9. They both LOVE ISRAEL and see any incursion into Israeli territory as an attack on the United States for which we will mobilize all necessary military assets. They do not, however, consider attacks by armed Mexicans against U.S. border guards in Texas to constitute an attack on the United States. 10. Romney wants to engage Latin America. Obama wants to engage Latin America. Neither NAFTA nor GATT nor the UN was mentioned. Status quo.Bottom line: there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between them in terms of anything relevant to an Angry White Male. If I want the love and support of either of these men, I should move to Tel Aviv. I think even ardent Zionists must have thrown up a little in their mouths at that. In fairness, I am sure neither gives a crap about Israel, and what they really care about is the Israeli lobby. If there were an Angry White Male lobby, they’d be tugging their forelocks to me instead of Bibi.
