Amazingest Bankster Chutzpah Ever! And Liberal Useful Idiots who Made it Happen

by Mindweapon

First, read this article about the sleazy tactics JP Morgan Chase uses to squeeze student loan debtors.

Read the whole thing. They are using strong-arm collection tactics for defaulters on student loans. This is proof how liberals have been useful idiots for “fascist” bankers, when they cried in the name of equality, “Bachelor’s Degrees and office jobs for All! Our beloved diversity and lower classes are too good for trades — trades are for immigrants!”

I remember them. They thought that no one should have to work with their hands any more, everyone should be doing Bachelor’s Degrees and making beaucoup equality bucks enforcing diversity. Of course those jobs are necessarily limited, because the world needs plumbers and appliance repairmen and arborists and auto mechanics ad infinitum, and only very few, even for their purposes, “diversity officers.”

So the Liberals were the Useful Idiots for the Bankster Education Loan Sharks. First there were the smiling faces of Diversity Celebrating Six Figure Liberal College Administrators promising pies in the sky, to the brutal loan shark debt collectors — two heads of one coin.People are going to figure that out.

It was the hugest con ever. They used our Anglo-Saxon institutions to simply run vast networks of intertwining but cheap scams on a huge level.

Now comes the late phase, the hard phase. Now the Bankers can no longer put on the smiling face; now it’s the their leagues of debt collecting enforcers, who are themselves quite desperate.

I think what we’re going to have are “economic criminals,” people who have to live in the economic underground, because they have judgment liens against them, their wages will get garnished, any assets they own, seized. For every action, there is a reaction. The days of easy credit, lead to the days of the debt-criminalized swaths of the population.

Which will force the “debt criminals” into economic communitarian arrangements in which none of them “own” anything, but they have to work together and share for their common good. And we’ll find that this was better than single serving lives anyway.

Eventually we’ll develop High Trust networks and from these we’ll develop our own forms of banking, and eliminate YKW from our financial system, like squeezing a parasitic worm out of one’s bowels.

It all starts with production, with making things that are useful to our fellow man. And the easiest thing to make are consumables — food, booze, tobacco, et cetera.

The consumables makers, the farmers, then provide start-up capital for foundries and small scale electricity production and machining and wooodworking shops and whiskey distilleries and items for the common defense. Rebuild our own civilization, belonging to us, not to YKW.
