Do You Value WVWNews?

Countdown to website darkness: 24 days.

If you have questions or comments, you can post them on our forum in

To avert shutdown, purchase or donate on our

If you would rather snail-mail donation, our mailing address has changed and is now:

European Americans United
P.O. Box 602
Orangevale, CA 95662

Considering the fact that is among the most popular pro-white websites in the world, we don’t need very much at all — but what we DO need is important.

This is not a hack, and this is not a bluff. We’re all unpaid volunteers, not used car salesmen. Don’t stand back and expect others to do it. If YOU do not support this site, then this site and what it represents WILL disappear.

So far, generous members and supporters have provided:

96% of the funds needed to keep the site running another month
32% of the funds needed to keep the site running for the rest of the year<br />
