Even Background Television Harms Youngsters

How many times have you heard someone say that they just keep the TV on for “background noise?” A recent study in the journal Pediatrics(1) demonstrates that the average child in the U.S. gets nearly four hours of TV a day just as background exposure.

TV in the background has been proven to lower the quality of human interactions with children, make it more difficult for children to perform focus-oriented tasks such as homework and even decreases their attentiveness to play tasks. It also contributes to the development of ADD and ADHD.

Bottom line? If you leave on your TV as background noise, you will be harming your child. Turn it off. Thank you!

Source: http://www.tvischildabuse.org

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(1) http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2012/09/26/peds.2011-2581.abstract
