Media Influences Thousands of Teens to Riot

We can be ‘injected’ with false realities and, sad to say, Western culture has fallen victim to such influence.

Thousands of teens descended on a small Dutch town last week. The occasion was a Project X birthday party. A riot ensued.

Project X is a movie that depicts a birthday party getting out of control. It’s fiction. Teens who viewed the movie often act out the script in real life. What possesses them to do so?

It’s how our brain works; including my brain and your brain. We are influenced by what we see and hear, regardless of our firm belief that we are (somehow) immune from external influence.

It’s nothing new.
In 1978 thousands of young people attended toga parties. That particular rage was the aftershock of  the movie Animal House. Party goers were acting out; their brains influenced by visual and audio input.

We act out. All of us. 

