RNC vs. DNC: “Ocean of Whiteness” vs. Star Wars Cantina

The DNC was “united in their belief that the historic majority population of the United States, what VDARE.com calls the “historic American nation,” must be deposed and that the culture this hated majority created must be subverted at all costs.”

Two scenes in George Lucas’ first Star Wars movie beautifully encapsulated the emotions I felt while attending both the GOP Convention in Tampa and the DNC Convention in Charlotte:

    The famous Bar Scene (where Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi acquire the services of renegade pilot Han Solo) was the Democratic Convention: a bizarre assortment of weird- looking aliens from unheard-of regions of the galaxy, speaking languages and engaging in conversations I couldn’t understand, interspersed with the occasional human.
The sweepingly- choreographed Awards Ceremony Scene at the end of the movie after the destruction of the planet-destroying Death Star, directly inspired by Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will, was the GOP convention: the Rebel Alliance an ocean of whiteness (remember, the film was made in 1977) except for the token Wookiee, Chewbacca—who was on the podium.

