Supreme Court Clears Path for Enhanced Immigration Enforcement

by John Young

Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the path for enhanced state enforcement of laws pertaining to illegal immigration by refusing to overturn a key provision of Arizona’s tough anti-illegal-immigration law.

While the Supreme Court overturned three minor provisions on grounds that they allowed the state to undertake what was a federal power, the central provision that requires police to check the immigration status of anyone they arrest or stop for questioning and who they reasonably believe may be in the country illegally was left intact. This clears the way for similar legislation in other states to take effect.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer stated about the decision: ““Today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court is a victory for the rule of law. After more than two years of legal challenges, the heart of SB 1070 can now be implemented in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.”

In the wake of this decision, the Obama Administration has promised to sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio who has vigorously enforced anti-illegal-immigration measures. To help prevent this, we urge you to sign a petition pledging to support America’s toughest sheriff.

The petition can be found

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