Bilderberg Group Scared of the Paul Family

Although electing Sen. Paul as a running mate under Romney could potentially open up the ticket among a broader spectrum of GOP voters, it does not ring true with the agenda already outlined by the Bilderberg Group.

The 2012 Bilderberg Conference is officially over, but members of the elusive society may have made a big decision during this year’s event. One source is reporting that the top-secret meeting ended with a running mate picked for Mitt Romney.

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is likely to be elected as the candidate for vice president under Mitt Romney, claimsa source close to the Bilderberg Conference. Journalist Jim Tucker has been investigating the annual closed-door meetings for decades and tells the website that, before the 2012 Bilderberg meeting wrapped up, Gov. Daniels was decided on as the GOP running mate.A Romney/Daniels ticket would make sense for many reasons, but Tucker suggests that it may have something more to do with just shared ideologies between the Indiana governor and the founder of Bain Capital. The real reasoning behind the decision, explains Infowars, is that the members of the Bilderberg Group are seeking an alternative to another likely running mate: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

