“Reverend” Al Sharpton Compares GOP to Hitler

You get what you tolerate.

On Thursday, MSNBC’s Al Sharpton took the race card to a whole new level by falsely claiming Republicans are like Hitler, and are prepared to kill African-Americans en masse.

“It seems like they [Republicans] act as though, some wiping out of people, some of the right-wing, is all right, it’s not all right to do to any innocent people. If you had war and people that’s one thing, but to wipe out innocent people just because of who they are like what was done in Hitler’s Germany or what was done to Native Americans is not justifiable,” he said.
“You know but Rev, I think and what is similar to Hitler’s Germany is that Hitler did not believe those people to be human,” New York Amsterdam News publisher Elinor Tatum said in response.

