Sign of the Times: Blind Hypocrisy

Read more below fold. Then pass it on. ~Ed.

Left-wing radical and Huffington Post columnists Menachem Rosensaft says Peter Brimlow, Jared Taylor, and the late CofCC leader Dr. Samuel Francis are some very bad men. Rosensaft says that advocating for a white immigration policy is bad, and that white Americans must stand silent as the entire 3rd world pours into the United States. Rosensaft’s anti-conservative diatribe is titled “White Nationalism: A Scourge That Won’t Go Away.


Like most left-wingers, Rosensaft is an extreme hypocrite! Just months ago, the Huffington Post published a column by Rosensaft titled “Israel’s Jewish Essence Is Non-Negotiable.”

In that column Rosensaft advocates for Israel the exact same identical policies that Brimlow, Tayloe, and Francis are famous for advocating.

(Hat tip to CofCC)
