Retiree Immigration Adds Billions to Deficits

<font size=”2″ style=”font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”><span style=”font-weight: bold;”>And the District of Corruption expect the US Taxpayer aka white America to like this?</span> <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Well no, <a href=”″>because they’re not being told</a></span><a href=”″>.</a><br /><br />Roughly one-in-eight new immigrants to America are 55 or older, ensuring there’s little financial payback for the $300,000 or more in taxpayer support given on average to each older immigrant during the last few decades of their lives.<br /><br />This aspect of immigration policy was highlighted April 13 on President Barack Obama’s campaign website, when an Ohio organizer posted a short item titled “A first time voter: Pedro’s remarkable story.”<br /><br />“Pedro C.,” now 68 years old, “moved to the United States from Peru 6 years ago,” said the post by Riley Wells, a field organizer in Franklin County.<br /></font>

<font size=”2″ style=”font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”>Because Pedro spoke little English, said Wells, “it was difficult for us to understand each other… [but Pedro pointed to a mural of President Obama on our office wall and gave a thumbs up.”<br /><br />“That was all I needed to see… He has already registered and is ready to cast his vote for Barack Obama,” said Wells.<br /><br /><a href=””><span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Continue…</span></a></font><br />
