The European Union’s Bureacratic, Meddling Kill-joys

It is way past time for Britain to get out of the European Union and recover its sovereignty.  These people are stark, raving mad.  Get away from them!  -JG.

Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at the University of Kent, warned that toy safety bans were part of a trend to micro-manage children’s lives at the expense of allowing them to explore, learn and have fun through play.

“Toys and activities, such as blowing up balloons, are part and parcel of the type of children’s play that helps them become independent and self-reliant… These bans diminish the experience, both of having fun and learning, by turning play into a danger zone with rules that stifle life and adventure for children.”

Children to be banned from blowing up balloons, under EU safety rules

Children are to be banned from taking part in traditional Christmas games, from blowing up balloons to blowing on party whistles, because of new EU safety rules that have just entered into force.

The Telegraph
Bruno Waterfield: Oct. 9th, 2011

The EU toy safety directive, agreed and implemented by Government, states that balloons must not be blown up by unsupervised children under the age of eight, in case they accidentally swallow them and choke.

