Ron Paul Can Win on Arithmetic, Not Just Philosophy

The Ron Paul campaign is currently gaining ground in spite of the party and in spite of the media.

There is a man who’s working on Obama’s campaign right now — just as he did in 2007 and ’08 — who will be voting for Ron Paul in the general election if he’s on the ballot. I know because we have a mutual friend who told me about a conversation she had with him. That’s one hell of a political cross-over.

And there’s plenty more where that came from.

This week, pundits have been abuzz with the fact that the latest poll in Iowa puts Paul, Romney, Cain and Gingrich in a statistical dead heat to win the GOP primary in a couple of months.

Now, I’m like most of Ron Paul’s supporters in supporting him for mostly philosophical reasons to do with liberty, the Constitution, and peace.

My articles have reflected that, but now that our candidate is tying for first place in one of the most important primaries in the country, political arithmetic becomes as important as principles. Partisan Republicans — who care a lot about a Republican victory but don’t much care for Ron Paul — tend to be moved more by political arithmetic and strategy than, say, peace and liberty, but since these partisans have significant power to affect electoral outcomes, the arithmetic that is important to them must be important to us.

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