Why Israel Wants to Attack Iran.

The real reason Israel wants a war with Iran has little to do with nukes and a whole lot more to do with the current political and military situation in Israel’s own back yard. (Note: Language warning)

If Israel attacks Iran, it won’t just be because they fear a Shia nuke. Sure, a big red button of win on the Ayatollah’s desk would be a credible check on Israeli power and would certainly start an arms race in the Middle East (the Saudi’s too would race to centrifuge some yellow cake into something blowable) but this is not what Israel really fears.

Besides, Israel has 200+ nukes of its own and is not a signer of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. They know an Iranian nuke would be merely ‘theater balancing’. If they ever used it, Israel would glass them back to the stone age. That’s the fun thing about nukes. They’re really only useful when they never get used. In fact, nukes are the greatest peace keeping weapons ever invented.

And that’s a problem for Israeli expansionist right wingers. The real reason Israel wants a war with Iran has little to do with nukes and a whole lot more to do with the current political and military situation in Israel’s own back yard. The recent Palestinian UNESCO vote at the UN was pretty much a slap across the face to Israel. Israel knows the rest of the world hates their guts for not making a peace deal with the Palestinians. And the UNESCO vote was no empty gesture either. Since UNESCO was a general assembly vote it could not be vetoed by Israel via AIPAC via the US. Sure, you might think UNESCO is just an educational, scientific and cultural organization but the fun part mixed up in all the fine print is that the vote allows the Palestinians to join the International Criminal Court. So soon, you could have international arrest warrants out for Israeli leaders who like to bust out the white phosphorous after some **** Gazan goat herder launches a home made rocket at a school bus.

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