Winston Smith: Let’s Talk About “Nazis”

TPC co-host Winston Smith shares his thoughts on the aftermath of their much publicized interview with Pat Buchanan.

It seems like every day brings another article or blog posting about Pat Buchanan’s latest appearance on our show. But despite the plethora of reports and published opinions, they all say pretty much the same things; they follow the lead of the Marxist website Media Matters for America (created with much support from Hillary Clinton, who last week successfully installed an anti-Christian Islamic Sharia government in Libya); they all reference the $PLC and the ADL, both leaders of the hate manufacturing industry in America; and they all cite Color of Change, a hate-spewing internet gang whose most illustrious résumé item is their association with the laughably infamous Jena 6 fiasco. To read one of the articles is to read a who’s who list of anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-White intolerance, hatred, and bigotry. And they would all be yawners, save for one feature – the comments sections. In the comments sections of these websites you can see disturbingly epic freak shows of unbridled hatred, maniacal bombast, and sadistic fantasies of what should be done to Pat Buchanan, James Edwards and his family, and all those who support both.For the most part, the blather in the comments is just so much chest-thumping by keyboard commandos, all competing to see who can come up with the most clever use of KKK and Nazi. (And believe me, in those comment sections you will see Nazi more times than you will in William L. Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.) As soon as they hit the Enter key, they copy and paste their logo-sewage into an email field, cc all their like-minded friends, hit Send, and wait for the adulatory replies congratulating them on their contribution to the fight against racism. They rarely try to refute Buchanan’s statistically-based assertions and historically-supported observations, and when they do make the attempt they usually lapse into deploying red herrings, straw men, and just plain-old nonsense. So, as usual, their screeds are nothing more than the typical Pavlovian personal attacks of a hacks who have lost the debate. These are creatures for whom the truth is as welcome as a bar of soap at an Occupy protest.

the rest HERE
