“White Supremacists” Show Support for MSNBC’s Pat Buchanan

“Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing”. ~ Edmund Burke

White nationalists see Pat Buchanan as a mainstream champion of their beliefs. So when ColorOfChange.org launched a campaign last week calling on MSNBC to fire Buchanan from his role as a contributor and political analyst, white supremacists took to the Internet to rally around their prized public intellectual. Their goal? Make sure Buchanan maintains his position on a major cable news network so that divisive, racially inflammatory ideas continue to circulate in the mainstream.

To date, more than 84,000 people of all races and ethnic backgrounds have signed the ColorOfChange petition demanding that MSNBC — an otherwise respectable news outlet — stop elevating a contributor who regularly espouses white supremacist, anti-Semitic and homophobic views.

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