The Return of Race Riots to America

As one of the (black) rioters told another victim that night, it’s not our fault you can’t fight.
Thank God for YouTube. Or else we never would have know that hundreds of times in more than 50 cities since 2010, groups of black people have been roaming the streets of America – assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, vandalizing, stealing, shooting, stabbing, even raping and killing.

But today the denials are crumbling. The curtains are lifting. We now can see what so many public officials and media have been curiously desperate to deny: Race riots are back.

And not just in Chicago, Philadelphia and New York. Places like Iowa, Wisconsin, Colorado and Indiana have their very own race riots, too.

Let’s look at Philadelphia. In the spring of 2010, large groups of black people – as in thousands – began gathering in the “eclectic” section of South Philadelphia. Mayhem and violence followed.Emily Guendelsberger was one of the early and more visible victims. Guendelsberger was an editor at Onion Magazine – a lifestyle guide for the hopelessly hip; complete with gratuitous shots at Sarah Palin. Just a year before, Guendelsberger wrote a column for the Philadelphia Daily News “about why using the term ‘flash mob’ to describe the large groups of black kids that adults assumed were organizing on ‘The Twitter’ belied a fundamental misunderstanding of what was going on.”
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