Is The ‘Wall Street Occupation’ The Beginning Of The End?

The good news in all this is that lies – all lies – have a limited lifespan before they, and their pimps, are revealed, rejected and reviled.

by Frank Roman and Jamie Sipe

It’s more than happenstance that the news media has chosen to cover the occupation of Wall Street with a different perspective than they do when the Tea Party makes an appearance. There were some shreds of liberty to be found in the Tea Party movement, such as their concern with the size and overreach of government. But after looking at the movement through a critical lens, one clearly sees TP backers who are pro-corporation and pro big military complex, thus in the end, just more big government pimps after all.

And of course the media, most especially Faux News, aligned with the ‘military government complex’, the Koch brothers and anything Republican, (materialistic values, pseudo prosperity, churchianity), had an endless line of talking heads broadcasting their so called “conservative” values by continually propping up the sheeple; those who have no better idea of liberty than what the government and the media manipulators tell them it is. All in all, the entire movement is nothing more than an organized effort by big money elitists to ‘demigod’ a black President and the so-called Left, but with the assertion that the President and the Left are the sole owners of egregious faults.

Having watched the current ‘Occupy Wall Street’ crowd one can justifiably see some important issues that should be noticed, but are probably not picked up by the sheeple and others. While “the movement” does have it’s large hippie crowd which is historically a problem for the country, who generally promote drug abuse and the sexual promiscuity of drunk monkeys, neither of which are beneficial to a society, its easy to disregard them. However, they also tend to be on the edge of, or have evolved in, the promotion of Marxist ideology, normally spawned in the recesses of big education. There are some things that are being addressed that should be considered , and they are the open border corporations, the shift of material wealth from the workers to these corporations, the voracious military complex, and outsourcing jobs. To no one’s surprise however the media at Faux News enjoys picking out the most despondent looking freaks in the crowd for interviews, then editing out other participants that might have reasonable perspectives –then presenting the entire Wall Street movement as an incoherent cluster of misfits. Of course the sheeple audience gobble this up.

Material wealth has shifted predominantly to a very few in America, this we know to be true. Nearly fifty million Americans  live below the poverty line. One in every six Americans are thus living on the edge of society, waiting to pay off bills that are already due, and hoping they can feed their children and themselves a decent meal. These numbers will continue to rise, and this in itself may be the primary turning point that pushes our country down a pathway that has been foreseen for decades.

Corporations, and their super-rich ownership have become their own world government, outside the mainstream control of any home base government. Corporations who in reality answer to no one but their stockholders move back and forth across the globe, changing the economic landscape of free peoples. They continue to pollute the environment when they choose, hire illegal or foreign illiterates to undercut their own people, and throw millions of dollars at politicians to buy their allegiance. This is who supported the Tea Party materially, and this is the Tea Party’s faux god. Corporations are about and for themselves, and they are an immense threat to personal liberty if they are left unshackled by reasonable government oversight.

Although government may shackle a company, thus preventing  their ability to create jobs and be prosperous, the unleashed corporation tend to do more harm than good to the domestic citizenry. That’s why we advocate economic nationalism, which places the economy at the service of the nation. The welfare of our people should supersede all other things, including the ability of multinational corporations (and the media in its current form), to exploit or ignore us for unbridled profits.

Without a doubt  there are some enlightening things discussed among this band of misfits on Wall Street. But be advised that some protestors have other more sinister agendas in play. They know liberty and prosperity, which they define quite differently, will not be easily remedied with quick fixes because the public has been worn down and wearies over the idea of more of the same, the evidence of which is legion.

The wise ones who have monitored the Frankfurt School’s influence in this sordid affair can see the potential problem in this situation. Unlike the Bolshevik revolution, that took control with unimaginable violence, these same Marxists have spent seventy years indoctrinating our country for a more subtle takeover. Part of that conquest has been the Tea Party supported “American” corporations who continue to ship our jobs to any Third World back water that will take those jobs. As the rich continue to horde their wealth, the common man becomes increasingly desperate and more inclined to look for easy alternatives. This is a very real threat to reasonable, long-range solutions.

And so in spite of a few positive points of light on Wall Street–no matter where its coming from– there is the intuitively clear foreboding image that there is a real threat building up throughout the country; and that is the idea that long-range solutions have finally lost their appeal to the public at large. On one hand –for the sake of doing something–the public will give up and embrace or reanimate a system that view man and society as purely economic entities which will lead to enslavement and the destruction of culture and race. On the other hand reckless unfocused violence may be forthcoming, thus ensuring the full power of the State to come crashing down on the heads of the so-called revolutionaries and the stubbornly misinformed participants of the Left / Right paradigm.

Therefore as long as our internal enemies look at the world as a conquest, as something to democratize, we will continue to throw good money after bad in building and destroying through the eyes of the military complex, open borders and crushingly high taxes. The continued desire to model the world in our own altered vision, disregarding the inherit liberty of others to shape their own individual pathways by and through their own means, will continue to cost us dearly in prosperity–not only in our haphazard squandering of our economic potentials and the inability to regard for the needs of our own people, we will also make new enemies and thus threaten our own security for decades to come. The idea of being the ‘worlds policeman’ is one that demands we usher it to the electric chair and kill it once and for all. Liberty must be defended, but “our” version of it may not be a sure fit for someone else in another part of the world, and we shouldn’t lose sleep, or American lives over that fact.

We have become an insolent ‘quick-fix’ society en mass, one that long ago forgot the patience needed to see the value that comes from building a firm realistic base that serves the historical majority population and not the other way around. The good news however is that the portrayal of capitalism as a road to freedom, just as Bolshevism’s portrayal as a road to freedom, is a lie. Capitalism (not free enterprise) as we know it today is just a different road to the same envisioned global slave plantation ruled by an elite. The other good news is that lies – all lies – have a limited lifespan before they, and their promulgators, are revealed, rejected and reviled. This will take time and we should all gear up, get busy and ACT on behalf of a long haul — no matter what happens– and avoid the misguided or deliberate deceptions of others.
