New Book Calls Out ‘Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department’

You were warned.

President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder face fiery race-based criticisms in a new book about their selective enforcement of civil rights.

In “Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department,” former Department of Justice Civil Rights Division attorney J. Christian Adams describes how racist radicals have hijacked the DOJ and rarely enforce laws when it’s not politically beneficial for them to do so.

The book begins during the Bush administration with a story from Noxubee County, Miss., where Adams joined fellow Civil Rights Division attorney Chris Coates and others from the DOJ in investigating discrimination against white voters by a black leader.

Inside the DOJ, especially in the Civil Rights Division, Coates and Adams faced adamant opposition to investigating and litigating the Noxubee case. Adams says it wasn’t because there was a lack of evidence or because the accusations were frivolous — according to him, it was because it was a case about discrimination against white people, and had been for several elections. Adams says this was a real-life example of “reverse racism.”
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