Fisking The Left’s Victimhood

Blog-buddy Kira Davis posted this video on her Google+ stream the other day. And it was so spectacular in its ignorance that I felt the need to address it in this forum because I think it offers valuable insight into the victim mentality of many Democrat voters. (more below fold)

Putting aside her laughable mangling of the word “bondage,” allow me to address several of the points she makes in her diatribe.

“I feel like I’m in bundage to a f@ckin’ job. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t work at all.”

Well, gee. Welcome to the world. Most of us would prefer to be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want. But there’s this pesky thing called reality, the response to which is known as adulthood. Children get to play all day. Adults do what needs to be done in order to meet life’s obligations.

I’ll give her credit for this much; she admits that she needs to work in order to pay off the debt which she has accumulated. But within just a couple breaths of that tidbit of truth, she descends into a harangue against our “capitalistic system,” as if the free market system is somehow to blame for her personal choices.

