Fourth of July Musings

This news emphasizes the necessity of ethnic-networking and ethnonationalism, especially since our interests are not being served under the present political arrangements.

by Frank Roman

Audio Version

Although the federal holiday called the Fourth of July has already passed I am compelled to  briefly comment on it. I apologize for my tardiness.

Noted Italian thinker Julius Evola, champion of people of European heritage once wrote: “The attack on quality and the individual is conducted not by methods of open violence, as under a Marxist dictatorship, but almost spontaneously, through the creation of a society that knows no higher values than wealth, consumption, profit, and the unstoppable growth of production….,” (Which is to say the real movers and shakers, the attackers Evola speaks of, who are entrenched in government, entertainment, industry and education are those for whom the gallows would be a fitting end to  their immorality.)

And so with that particularly incisive observation in mind (Evola’s, not mine. –FR) let’s address today’s waning Fourth of July “celebrations.”

To the 2 or 3 percent of the European American population of the United States, (who know whats going on) our Fourth of July is a fictitious farce. The embedded proclamations such as, land of the free, has been morphed into a lie; an egregious insult to our people’s history. The force fed highly publicized natural virtue of a particular geographic location; the siren calls for complete and total equality in light of so much injustice against our Folk is slanderous and deserving of ridicule. And our systemically induced celebrations, parades and shouts that this is the greatest nation on Earth is a demonstration of our globalist minded “leaders” greed, obfuscation, and abject hatred of white America.

Indeed the rubes who annually get sucked into The States’ proclamation that this is the land of the free, is absurd and hypocritical. Oh sure, its not as bad as it could be. But that’s not to say we shouldn’t make historical comparisons between Old America and the one we have now.

Our immigration laws were deliberately changed in order to accommodate the Third World and limit future Americans from Europe, the descendants of those who created this nation — blemishes and all. Except for a few state level efforts, the feds have pretty done nothing about border jumpers or limiting how many can come in legally. In the commission of genocide as defined by the United Nations, the war on white Americans is without we suck down a “lethal cocktail of fast-breeding in-assimilable aliens in the full and calculated knowledge that the country and its indigenous people will be incrementally destroyed as a result”.

For the last few months we have seen how supplication and concessions to blacks for historical grievances imagined and conflated has resulted in black flash mobs who beat, rob and sometimes kill targeted white Americans. Accordingly the leadership of the “the community” remain either silent or blame it on the white man’s institutional racism—whatever that’s supposed to mean.

For a decade or more a world-wide Muslim sect known as Fethullah Gulen has been building a small empire in the United States by constructing and operating publicly-financed i.e. your paychecks’ deductions Charter Schools, or ‘Turkish schools’ as they have come to be known. There are now some 120 ‘Turkish schools’ in the U.S. And while they claim to be moderate, mounting evidence says this is merely a ruse. After all they are Muslims.

Thanks in large measure to the alien controlled Federal Reserve and their Washington puppets we have been on the biggest debt orgy that the world has ever seen. Because of debt-fueled prosperity we have been able to  temporarily enjoy an unimaginable standard of living. But no one seems to think the largest debt bomb in the history of the world is ever going to explode, and when it does the kind of reality for the dwindling European American population that exists only in the fevered brows of our financial puppeteers will be unimaginable. And the transnational traitors among our own kind who caused today’s economic crisis, which caused millions of people their jobs, retirement and homes, received merit-less help and support from the government; while the victims of the crisis, most of whom are middle class and working class white Americans are left to fend for themselves—yet unthinkingly blowing up Chinese made fireworks in order to marginally celebrate America’s ‘birfday.”

And in order to truly ice the cake this past Fourth of July we have been presented with the obscene spectacle of legalized gay marriage in NY state, thanks to the wannabe mobster Andrew Cuomo and his merry band of perverts and Marxists. Of course, the so-called ‘gay lobby’ had a lot to do with its passage, especially in light of the fact they pushed mightily to not allow this law to be voted on via a referendum by the rural taxpaying rural majority voters. So Cuomo merely worked in tandem with the Republican and Democrat liberals, the coastal urban dwellers, the mass media, and simply made it happen. You can now be sure other states will follow with similar laws, laws which say its okay for two men and two women to get married and wallow in the putrescence of their unnatural civil rights.

So to call America—straight white America– the land of the free by way of parades and fireworks and gluttony is merely a slap in our people’s face; it is (really) telling the European American that he is non-existent, that he is a global citizen, that he is not even worth protecting; that his contributions to the finest nation on earth are meritless.

Our fourth of July carnivals, firework displays and exclamations of this being the greatest nation, or rather a global flophouse, fails to reveal how  America’s hateful and selfish bureaucrats are committing deliberate genocide on the founding people of this land; up to an including the defacto return of land (SW USA) won by the blood and sweat of our early fighters during the Mexican American War.  

Since there is no worthiness to The States’ claim of liberty, equality or to the claim of America being the greatest nation on Earth, and all the evidence prove the contrary, to the white European derived American, fourth of July celebrations is in reality a celebration of our masters. But that’s okay. Why? Because thanks in large measure to the new media we know who they are; we know who what where and when. And when the time arrives for the paychecks to stop coming, when the EBT cards no longer work, when the cost of gas is stratospheric, when the supermarkets and convenience stores and hardware stores bolt the doors, when even more draconian hate crime laws are passed by fiat, we will then know this gigantic fleshy rotten system will have to fall over, break open, and splash its poison in an ultimately miserable death. And that is when the REAL living begins.

So in the meantime, whether or not you are a card carrying member of EAU or any other sensible minded membership type of organization, I say we should individually seek to stress European American unity on a broad scale –broader than now, with a policy of acceptance and inclusiveness rather than indulging in class or territorial exclusion. Moreover, you now have the tools, the information to do so, which is to say the so-called extremists have been right all along for all these years and its your responsibility to point this out while you can. It is also important to understand that any and all ethnic-styled nationalists, i.e. Irish German Italian Polish, Spanish, etc,  should stress unity amongst each other over all else and not come into conflict. After all, our people came to America from Europe with guts and little else, dropped their tribal allegiances, and became  real Americans. So the real test  will be: when push comes to shove, and it IS coming, whites  will have no choice but to fight for each other on a national level — if we are to survive,  with territorial problems between whites being avoided at all costs. What I’m saying is; we cannot afford any more brother wars, internecine fratricidal wars, which may have already done us in on a global scale. We are living in a new era now.

And after all hell breaks loose there will be certain “events” leading up to real  celebrations, more worthy of the terms liberty and freedom than we have right now.

Thanks for listening.
