A Picture You Will Never See in the Western Media

Apartheid in South Africa was better, and now they miss it.

July 24 2009 – Afrikaners can’t believe their eyes. This picture taken by Shayne Robinson of The Star newspaper, today has been making the rapid rounds of many hundreds of Afrikaans-language blogs inside and outside the country… and many bloggers comment that they believe it’s a hoax,  It shows protestors holding handwritten protest signs with the words:


  • “AWB was better than ANC’, and “We vote for better life, not for worse.We live like pigs’


Afrikaner language-rights leader Dr Dan Roodt, publishing the picture on his blog, writes that this is the most inexplicable protest poster he’s seen. 

Indeed, many journalists reporting on the Thokoza unrests – where this photograph above was taken by Shayne Robinson of The Star in Johannesburg, must have realised that this was the ultimate insult to the ANC-leadership: black voters in Thokoza had voted overwhelmingly in favour of the presidency of Jacob Zuma, yet there they were just months later — stating that South African blacks would be better-off under the  rabidly white rightwingers in the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging than they now are under ANC-rule.

Of course it’s irrelevant that the AWB never ruled the country... this sign expresses a very intense  and genuine anger felt by these black voters.
