An Open Letter to John Foreman: The Courage to do Nothing

by John YoungIn 1975, a vile wretch of humanity named Michael Woodmansee (pictured in a Rhode Island Department of Corrections photo) kidnapped and killed a precious and vulnerable child named Jason Foreman, your son. It is believed that Woodmansee partially consumed him. A crime more horrific, or more deserving of just retribution, can hardly be imagined.Fortunately for Woodmansee but unfortunately for Justice; the crime was committed in the liberal bastion of New England; and Woodmansee is now scheduled to be released because of his “good behavior” while in prison. Quite naturally, this prospect has upset you. Jason was abducted on your beautiful wife Joice’s 25th birthday, and she died in 2000 broken-hearted. Woodmansee’s brutal and inhuman monstrosity has harmed generations of the innocent of your family with a pain that just keeps on giving. You have been quoted by WPRO radio as stating: “I do intend, if this man is released anywhere in my vicinity, or if I can find him after the fact, I do intend to kill this man.”While I understand this sentiment, I have three words for you: DON’T DO IT.Again, Woodmansee’s crime, and further attempted crimes and who knows what else he has done, are unspeakably beyond even human. The damage and pain he has caused go far beyond the pale. The very idea that, because prosecutors cut a plea bargain with him for 2nd degree murder instead of securing a proper conviction is ridiculous. He had journaled his crime in his own writing, and kept the bones of his victim in his home. At least a life-without-parole conviction could have easily been secured by a government interested in justice.I share your outrage, and as someone who lost a sibling to unspeakable crime myself, I believe I can understand your feelings. However, in my opinion, your anger, though understandable, is misdirected.If you were to kill Woodmansee, having broadcast your intentions in advance as you have, you would most assuredly be convicted of first degree murder and spend the rest of your life behind bars. And for what purpose?If you were to do this, you would be giving this despicable creature power over your life even lasting beyond his own death. And furthermore, you would be deliberately depriving the rest of your family, people who look up to you and respect you and still to varying degrees depend upon you, of your presence, love and support.All for what?Killing Woodmansee wouldn’t bring back Jason or stop the pain. Any satisfaction it might bring would only be momentary, and would then be followed by regret for all of the loved ones you had ill-served through the ill-considered act.Woodmansee just isn’t worth it. He isn’t even human, outside appearances notwithstanding. Do not sacrifice the living to the dead. Instead, move on and rededicate yourself to the lives of the living; urging them forward for generation after sacred generation. The contributions you will live to make while outside prison will be positively affecting your family long after Woodmansee has become dust of his own accord.I won’t lie to you. It takes courage to do nothing. Or, rather, to seemingly do nothing. But the reality is that you will actually be doing the more difficult thing: embracing the challenge of life for yourself and future generations. It’s the hard thing to do, but it is the right thing to do. Don’t give Woodmansee any more power.Pax tecum.
