Black-Mexican/White-Asian Achievement Gap Persists

While casting their opponents as wicked, liberals have a propensity toward justifying the immoral ideology they impose on others.

by J.A.

One recent example is the liberal trend toward ending advanced placement classes in science and math within the public school system in order to provide more funds toward closing the persistent black-Mexican/white-Asian achievement gap.*

Liberals see a five decade long achievement gap between groups like Asians and Mexicans or Whites and Blacks as a problem. And it is. The persistent achievement gap remains despite decades of forced busing/integration, billions of dollars, and entitlement program after entitlement program. This obviously gives merit to the argument intelligence is largely determined by DNA. Since liberals refuse to believe this they tell us whites and Asians are getting all the good schools, the great teachers, the free ride.

That’s when smart liberals come in and remove funding for the advanced science & math classes in order to put more resources into closing the achievement gap. Over the course of 5 decades this tactic hasn’t worked for bringing the bottom half of the class up, but does prove ruinous for the top half. It’s like mixing dung and ice cream…the mixture does wonders for the dung but adds nothing to the ice cream.

And herein lies my point. The liberals pat themselves on the back even while they jeopardize the future of bright students for their stupid ideas.

