Insider: Obama Has “No Basic Element of Humanity.”

‘High fives’ to Michelle following Tucson speech

Question:  How would you rate the performance of President Obama’s Tucson Tragedy speech?

Insider:  The speech itself was a remarkable display. Very powerful speech.  Perhaps the president’s finest moment since taking office.  The things happening outside the speech though left many of us wondering who was in charge of planning the event because that environment was almost a disaster.  You were right to call into question the t-shirts.  That was in very poor taste.  The excuse that the Obama administration had nothing to do with those t-shirts is completely false.  Every detail is run by the administration on this kind of event.  Every last detail. 

Also, many who had attended were actually coached to be “very supportive” of President Obama.  I don’t agree that this should have been “Obama’s Oklahoma”.  The media is trying to make it just that, with the full support of the Obama White House/Jarrett.  Tucson was a terrible tragedy.  Oklahoma was something much-much bigger than that.  I find it more than a bit troubling to hear all this comparison between the two events.  And regarding Obama’s attitude on this tragedy.  Here is something that you will never hear from the media but that some witnessed shortly after the memorial service had finished.  Behind the staging area, Obama gave Michelle a “high five” and shared a laugh with her.
