An Astounding Success

A glimpse in to the warped reality of progressive hatemongers and sore losers.

by Neal Boortz

Or is it?

I’m talking about the coordinated attempt between left and much of the mainstream media to exploit the tragic shooting in Tucson for the purpose of advancing their campaign against talk radio. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center telegraphed this quite well. I made a speech for a MRC gathering in Palm Beach last October. Before I launched into my intemperate diatribe Mr. Bozell told the attendees that a full-scale war against talk radio was coming. Democrats were smelling a drubbing in the upcoming election, and they were placing much of the blame on talk radio.
Bozell told the luncheon guests that Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and Levin were going to be pummeled by a media onslaught depicting them as hate-filled promoters of violence that need to be either removed from the airwaves or closely controlled by FCC watchdogs. (Never mind that I was the guest speaker but wasn’t included in the list of targeted talk show hosts. Neal Boortz, Live On The Talk Radio B-List.)

As it turned out, the Democrats toaok the anticipated drubbing, and wasted little time ramping up their attacks on talk radio. You might will recall that race-pimp Al Sharpton launched a full-scale campaign to stifle conservatives heard over the “public’s airwaves.” Bozell stepped up again: “This is the beginning of a concerted campaign across the board to knock conservative opinion off the air.”

Then … January 8, 2010. A clearly deranged madman with no discernable political agenda goes on a shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona. A Congresswoman is shot and before she arrives at the medical center the word spreads. This is the opportunity we’ve been looking for. This is the tragedy that’s going to fuel our fight against talk radio. A Democrat operative tells Politico that the White House must “deftly try to pin this on the Tea Parties.” The media firestorm erupts. The actions of a man clearly suffering from mental illness (which is not to say he’s criminally insane) – a man who keeps a shrine in his back yard with a replica of a human skull sitting in a bowl of dried-up oranges – suddenly become the catalyst for media-wide attacks on talk radio and the Tea Parties. Then .. .horror of horrors! Talk radio hosts actually refuse to accept the blame the left is so eagerly dishing out! This prompts a headline in The New York Times: Talk Radio Hosts Reject Blame in Shooting. And the fight is on.

As Rahm Emanuel said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Same goes for a tragedy. The Times has weighed in, talk radio has responded, and the battle is joined. Time to kick the campaign into overdrive, because now we really have some juice. Here comes South Carolina Democrat Congressman James Clyburn, grabs the baton and runs a lap to the cheering crowd. Let’s reinstate the Fairness Doctrine! Come on, folks! Tell me! How in the hell does a shooting by a deranged man in Arizona suddenly become the latest excuse for Democrats to demand federal control of their nemis, talk radio? Well … this is Clyburn we’re talking about here, so it really doesn’t have to make sense. On Clyburn, A South Carolina paper reports:

The shooting is cause for the country to rethink parameters on free speech, Clyburn said from his office, just blocks from the South Carolina Statehouse. He wants standards put in place to guarantee balanced media coverage with a reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, in addition to calling on elected officials and media pundits to use ‘better judgment.’

‘Free speech is as free speech does,’ he said. ‘You cannot yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater and call it free speech and some of what I hear, and is being called free speech, is worse than that.’

Isn’t that just wonderful? Can you imagine the spectacle of some agency of the federal government deciding what constitutes “better judgment?” That ought to work real well.

Leftist Congresswoman Louise Slaughter … a Democrat, naturally … is joining in. She says the Tucson shooting “shows that the FCC is not doing its job.” Really? Could someone please explain to me what logical points you jump from and to in order to reach that conclusion?

The fight is joined – again. The left knows that they cannot compete in the talk radio arena. They also know why. Logic and facts are not friendly to leftist talk show hosts. As they try to pursue their illogical philosophy they only look increasingly ridiculous, and soon are relegated to the ever-growing pile of failed talk shows. It’s this simple: They can’t compete, so they must destroy.

Nothing like a good fight! We’ll keep talking and attracting listeners; and they’ll keep trying to use the police power of government to shut us down.
