Chick-fil-A Partners With “Rabid” Anti-Gay Group

Patronize a Chick-fil-A today. — Ed.

You might like the tasty pickles that they put on their chicken sandwiches, but if you’re eating at Chick-fil-A, you’re also eating at an establishment that partners with some of the most ferocious anti-gay groups around.

Take a look at an event scheduled for February 2011, co-sponsored by Chick-fil-A and the Pennsylvania Family Institute, the leading anti-gay group in the Keystone State and a group that has worked hard to try and pass a constitutional amendment in Pennsylvania banning same-sex marriage.The February event co-sponsored by Chick-fil-A is called “The Art of Marriage,” and it’s intended to be a launching point for Pennsylvania to return to “the biblical definition of marriage.” Given the work of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, it’s hard not to see where this event is going to go — straight for the jugular of anyone who supports marriage equality for same-sex couples.

