Battleground America

The long anticipated immigration wars of 2011 have officially begun with multiple fronts opening up across America. The old saying that “elections have consequences” was made clear this afternoon (5 Dec).

by Hunter Wallace

Let me get straight to the point:

(1) In Washington, Nancy Pelosi fell from power as Speaker of the House, and John Boehner assumed that title. Meanwhile, the Treason Caucus is searching for a new line of employment while a new crop of restrictionists move into their new offices.

The House of Representatives, which passed the DREAM Act, the Pigford reparations scam, and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal under Pelosi’s tenure was transformed into a restrictionist stronghold in which amnesty for illegal aliens is dead for at least two years.

(2) Rep. Steve King dropped a bomb on birthright citizenship in the House of Representatives.

(3) Russell Pearce and State Lawmakers for Legal Immigration held their press conference in Washington about the upcoming attack on birthright citizenship in 14 state legislatures.

