NYT Implies House Republicans Reading the Constitution is Racist

Hard left casts disdain at soft right.

You certainly wouldn’t expect the perilously liberal New York Times to be doing cartwheels on the day Republicans take over control of the House to begin the 112th Congress.

But the disdain for conservatives on display in the Gray Lady’s editorial “Pomp, and Little Circumstance” was evident in the very first sentence of the very first paragraph:

A theatrical production of unusual pomposity will open on Wednesday when Republicans assume control of the House for the 112th Congress.

And that was just the beginning, for after listing the GOP’s plans for the first few days – requiring every new bill cite its Constitutional basis, repealing ObamaCare, and reading the entire Constitution aloud – the editorial board sniped:

Those who had hoped to see a glimpse of the much-advertised Republican plan to revive the economy and put Americans back to work will have to wait at least until party leaders finish their Beltway insider ritual of self-glorification. Then, they may find time for governing.

The came the racist implication:

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